

Plone Captchas (quintagroup.plonecaptchas) is a simple captchas implementation for Plone, designed for validation of human input in insecure forms.


quintagroup.plonecaptchas adds captcha support to Plone, it works together with quintagroup.captcha.core. With these products installed captchas will be added to Plone's Send this, Contact Us (/contact-info) forms, and Plone's default discussion mechanism: Add Comment and Reply forms.

Join Form

quintagroup.plonecaptchas does not automatically plug to Plone's default registration (/join_form). You can make captcha plug to Plone's Join form via Zope Management Interface:

  • Go to portal_setup - Import
  • in Select Profile or Snapshot drop down menu select Plone Captchas Register Forms for Plone 4 (for plone 3.x versions - select profile according to the Plone version used on your site, e.g Plone Captchas Join Form for plone-3.3)

  • Move to the bottom of the page and press Import all steps
  • Captcha will now be applied to the registration form.


Plone 3, 4 buildout

If you are using buildout to manage your project, you can do this:

  • Add quintagroup.plonecaptchas to the list of eggs to install in the buildout.cfg file:
        eggs =
  • Tell the plone.recipe.zope2instance recipe to install a ZCML slug for this product: add quintagroup.plonecomments and quintagroup.plonecomments-overrides to zcml area of a buildout.cfg file:
   recipe = plone.recipe.zope2instance
   zcml =
  • Re-run buildout with:
   $ ./bin/buildout
  • Restart the Zope server with the following command in the terminal:
   $ ./bin/instance restart
  • Activate Plone Captchas via Quickinstaller in Plone: Site Setup -> Add-ons.

Important Note

With quintagroup.plonecaptchas you have to be care with the version of the package you need on your instance:

  • For Plone 4 versions - use quintagroup.plonecaptchas 4.x releases. In your buildout.cfg file's egg section set product version:
         eggs =
               quintagroup.plonecaptchas >=4.0
  • For Plone 3 versions - use quintagroup.plonecaptcha 3.x releases. In your buildout.cfg file's egg section set product version:
         eggs =
               quintagroup.plonecaptchas >=3.0,<4.0

Traditional Zope 2 Instance for Plone 3

To install quintagroup.plonecaptchas into the global Python environment (or a workingenv), using a traditional Zope 2 instance, you can do this:

  • Copy quintagroup folder to your instance /lib/python directory.
  • Create a file called quintagroup.plonecaptchas-configure.zcml in your instance /etc/package-includes directory. The file should only contain this:
       <include package="quintagroup.plonecaptchas" file="configure.zcml" />
  • Restart the Zope server, for example, with the following command in the terminal:
       $ ./bin/zopectl restart
  • Activate Plone Captchas via Quickinstaller in Plone: Site Setup -> Add-ons.

Plone 2.x

For Plone 2.x versions - use 1.3.4 version of qPloneCaptchas product to add captcha to PloneFormMailer? forms.


  • If Plone Captchas is expected to be used with Plone Comments product, for proper behaviour, you have to install Plone Captchas first, and then Plone Comments.
  • If you want to change captcha look - use quintagroup.captcha.core settingsproduct.
  • If you want captcha support for PloneFormGen forms - use quintagroup.pfg.captcha product.
Last modified 8 years ago Last modified on Jun 15, 2016 11:54:38 AM

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