
Plone Tabs (quintagroup.plonetabs)

Plone Tabs is a user-friendly product for managing the tabs on the Plone site without need to go to ZMI. Starting from 0.5 version quintagroup.plonetabs allows to manage portal_actions items on the Plone site from portal_control_panel configlet.

Plone Tabs Features

  • quintagroup.plonetabs allows editing portal tabs, document actions, site actions, folder buttons (and other portal_actions tools) - all via Plone Control Panel
  • possibility to make items visible/invisible
  • possibility to change items order by simple drag-and-drop


To create new Plone tabs

go to your Site Setup:

  • Select Plone Tabs from the list of Add-on Products Configuration
  • In the Select category to manage select what items you want to manage
  • Enter the name and the link of the tab you want to create
  • Click Add button

To change tabs order

  • Click on the arrows next to the item title you want to change position for
  • Move it up/down to the necessary place

To delete or disable Tabs

  • in case you need to get rid of a tab, press on the bin icon and the tab will be deleted for good.
  • if you only need to disable the tab, for example for some period of time, but keep it available - remove a tick from the box next to the tab's title.

To edit Tabs

  • choose that one you want to rename, click on it, type a new ID (title);
  • click this 'Plus' button to change the title, url or a condition under which the tab will be visible
  • advanced edit allows to set condition (to make tabs selectively appear) under which this tab is or is not visible (this is done in Template Attribute Language (TAL) - an attribute language used to create dynamic templates). Condition (Expression) -- A TALES expression that determines whether the described action should be shown or not.

Example of Plone Tabs used on

Companies Inc

Last modified 15 years ago Last modified on Jun 1, 2010 8:28:10 AM

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