40 | | To enable Google Sitemaps on your site, add Sitemap(s) at Google Sitemap ''Settings'' tab (Add-on Products Configuarion -> Google Sitemaps). You can add any of the Sitemap types: content, mobile or news. |
| 40 | Add Sitemap(s) at Google Sitemap ''[http://projects.quintagroup.com/products/wiki/qPloneGoogleSitemaps/config#Settingstab Settings]'' tab (Add-on Products Configuarion -> Google Sitemaps). You can add any of the Sitemap types: content, mobile or news. |
| 41 | |
| 42 | Define what content should be added to the sitemap by setting necessary parameters on [http://projects.quintagroup.com/products/wiki/qPloneGoogleSitemaps/config#Editsitemap Sitemap Edit Form]. |