Changes between Version 1 and Version 2 of qVarbreadcrumbs

Jun 11, 2007 12:40:21 PM (18 years ago)



  • qVarbreadcrumbs

    v1 v2  
    1 = Varbreadcrumbs = 
     1= qVarbreadcrumbs = 
    22'''(Plone 2.5.x)''' 
    4 '''1.''' Varbreadcrumbs - is a Plone add-on product that allows you to customize breadcrumbs to your needs. This product replaces the standard way of breadcrumbs generation by a different one if needed. 
     4'''1.''' qVarbreadcrumbs - is a Plone add-on product that allows you to customize breadcrumbs to your needs. This product replaces the standard way of breadcrumbs generation by a different one if needed. 
    66Such kind of breadcrumbing is used in those situation when site structure (the way we can get to a page) is different from the structure by folders. It sometimes may also be preferable for SEO purposes. 
    8 On sites, where varbreadcrumbs is installed, breadcrumbs are generated in the same way as it is done by default in Plone (folders, subfolders indicated), with one exception: objects, which possess breadcrumbs property, insert objects, that are indicated in their property before their own title in a breadcrumbs path. Such a customized breadcrumbing works only with those objects, where breadcrumbs property is written.  On pages where it is not specified, breadcrumbs will be generated in a usual way. 
     8On sites, where qVarbreadcrumbs is installed, breadcrumbs are generated in the same way as it is done by default in Plone (folders, subfolders indicated), with one exception: objects, which possess breadcrumbs property, insert objects, that are indicated in their property before their own title in a breadcrumbs path. Such a customized breadcrumbing works only with those objects, where breadcrumbs property is written.  On pages where it is not specified, breadcrumbs will be generated in a usual way. 
    1010Imagine we have a folder '''incorporate''', which includes pages: