= qSiloBreadcrumbs = '''(Plone 2.1.x)''' qSilobreadcrumbs - is a Plone product that allows you to set silo titles for breadcrumbs items, different from object titles. Such kind of breadcrumbing is sometimes preferable for SEO purposes. This is a common feature with [http://projects.quintagroup.com/products/wiki/Varbreadcrumbs varbreadcrumbs] product. This task is accomplished with the help of special product [http://projects.quintagroup.com/products/wiki/qSiloGroup qSiloGroup]. To change breadcrumbs titles, you initially have to change navigation titles. So, go to the folder that includes items, that are to be renamed. Click on '''Edit Nav''' button. [[Image(silo-nav.png, nolink)]] In the opened window you may change the navigation titles to what you need. Let's change '''Incorporate Your Business''' to '''Reasons to Incorporate'''. [[Image(title.png, nolink)]] You can also see the changes you have done through ZMI interface: go to folder '''properties''', and you will see the changed titles in '''silo_items''' field. Here the the existing title for '''why.asp''' page (Incorporate Your Business) is changed to '''Reasons To Incorporate''': [[Image(silo-items.png, nolink)]] Breadcrumbs titles are taken from '''silo_items'''. Thus, as a result, '''why.asp''' page looks this way, with the changed breadcrumbs titles: [[Image(why.png, nolink)]] == Links == * Home page - http://quintagroup.com/services/plone-development/products/qsilobreadcrumbs