Changes between Version 3 and Version 4 of qRRS2Syndication

Jul 7, 2006 8:05:33 AM (19 years ago)



  • qRRS2Syndication

    v3 v4  
    77 * Can be used to enhance default RSS support in Plone 
    88 * Allows input number of items per RSS2 feed (default Plone RSS shows all items) 
    9  * Include subfolders option allows generate RSS feed of all items in subfolders. 
     9 * Include subfolders option which allows to generate RSS feed of all items in subfolders. 
    1010 * It generates RSS2 feed from Plone content like News, Pages, Events or any other content types. RSS2 feeds include links, images, etc. 
    1111 * Syndication of ATAudio objects, mp3, wmv, ppt, jpg files using RSS 2.0 with enclosures. 
    2020    Select portal_syndication -> Actions tab -> select Visible checkbox to enable Syndication tabs -> Save 
    2121    Select portal_syndication -> Properties tab -> Enable syndication 
    22  4. Log in to Plone. Go to the folder which contains the audio/video files you want to Podcast 
    23     Select Syndication tab -> Enable Syndication  
    24 (Note: qRRS2 can be used not only for podcasting, as it is usually thought. It allows the syndication of any object you like, starting   with blog entry and finishing with promo document.) 
     23== How To Enable qRRS2 Feeds For Podcasts == 
     25 1. Log in to Plone.  
     26 2. Go to the folder which contains the audio/video files you want to Podcast 
     27 3. Go to RSS2 setup and choose ATAudio objects from the list of content types 
     28 4. Click "Save" button 
     30== How To Enable qRRS2 Feeds For Usual Objects == 
     32qRRS2 can be used not only for podcasting, as it is usually thought. It allows the syndication of any object you like, starting   with blog entry and finishing with images. The procedure of enabling qRRS2 for usual objects is much the same as for podcasts. 
    2634Select content types for your feed in "Setup RSS2" tab.