== Sitemaps Roadmap ==
The News Sitemap reference:
* http://www.google.com/support/webmasters/bin/topic.py?topic=8476
* http://www.sitemaps.org/protocol.php
= Regular Sitemaps =
== Requirements to Sitemaps from http://www.sitemaps.org/protocol.php ==
* The file itself must be UTF-8 encoded.
* The Sitemap must:
1. Begin with an opening tag and end with a closing tag.
1. Specify the namespace (protocol standard) within the tag.
1. Include a entry for each URL, as a parent XML tag.
1. Include a child entry for each parent tag.
* URLs in a Sitemap must be '''from a single host, domain'''
* URLs can't refer to sibling directory (otside from url,containing sitemap location)
=== Current fixes for qPloneGoogleSitemap ===
* Add "UTF-8" encoding
* Up version for urlset namespace to "0.9"
=== Future ===
* Add support of Sitemap index file
* Add support of optional tags : '''changefreq''', '''priority'''
* Add policy support for calculate optional tags values
* Add policy support for splitting sitemap into several sitemaps and bound them in sitemap index page
= News Sitemaps =
=== Differences from general sitemap ===
* add '''news''' namespace
* every URL must has
* (publication date - current date) =< 3 days
* number of URLs =< 1000
= Mobile Sitemaps =
=== Differences from general sitemap ===
* add '''mobile''' namespace
* add tag for every mobile link
* Indexed only xhtml-mp pages
=== TODO ===
* Create sitemap content type(s) for every specyfic SM, with default fields - from setup tab of current qPGSMs
* ???Additional action for SM content type for pingin and validation (this urls and other properties setting up in appropriate schematas of the content type) ???
* Use current functionality for that content type from
* Create separate template for every Sitemap type
=== Thoughts ===
* [wiki:qPloneGoogleSitemapsRoadmap/ThoughtsToDos Thoughts & To-Dos]