
Version 29 (modified by olha, 16 years ago) (diff)


Plone Google Sitemaps


This page describes the functionality of Plone Google Sitemaps version 0.4.10 or above. It is not released, but can be downloaded from SVN

How to install Plone Google Sitemaps

  1. Click on the link of the Site Setup in the top right corner of your Plone site
  2. choose the first item Add/Remove? Products in the Plone Configuration list
  3. select the product qPloneGoogleSitemaps in the left column of the products table, where you can view all the Plone products available for install
  4. press the install button below the table and make sure the product appeared in the right column of installed products

How to use Plone Google Sitemaps

  • sign into Google Sitemaps with your Google Account
  • Add your Plone site to your Google account, e.g.
  • Click the "Add a Sitemap" link beside the site
  • Choose the "General Web Sitemap" option
  • Type the URL to your Sitemap location in the provided field. Make sure you include the entire URL, such as
  • Click "Add Web Sitemap". You will see the following list:
    • I've created a Sitemap in a supported format
    • I've uploaded my Sitemap to the highest-level directory to which I have access
    • My Sitemap URL is:
  • Indicate that you've done all of the actions mentioned
  • Go to google "My sites" click verify link
  • After that you will be informed about two methods of verification they offer: uploading an HTML file with a name they specify, or adding a META tag to your site's index file. Choose the first method as it is the most convenient and not so time-consuming as the second one
  • Copy the name of the verification file specified below - google999999999999999.html
  • Go to your Plone site setup
  • Click on the link of Google Sitemaps in the list “Add-on Product Configuration”
  • Select the tab “Verification”
  • Enter verification file name (similar to google999999999999999.html) in the field provided
  • Click on the button “Create verification file”
  • Go back to Google site verification page by clicking on the link placed in the “Verification” tab
  • Indicate that you:
    • created a file named google999999999999999.html
    • uploaded the file to and can view in the browser of Google.
  • Click on the “Verify button”
  • Google will verify that the file exists in the specified location. If it does, it'll show a status of VERIFIED and provide a link to your site statistics. You can view your statistics at any time after your site is verified by clicking the site link on the My Sites page.

If Google can't access the file, it'll give you information about the error it encountered. Once this problem is resolved, try to verify your site again.

  • To view the lists of Sitemaps you've added for a site, click the number in the Sitemaps column beside the site. You can also click the site and then click the "Sitemaps" tab. The "Sitemaps" tab for that site opens. When you initially add a Sitemap, the status displays as Pending. Once Google processes your Sitemap (which may take several hours), this status will change to either OK or to an error. If you receive an error, click on it to view additional information.

The tab “Settings” in Plone Google Sitemap configuration

“Settings” fields - Google Sitemap configuration

qPloneGoogleSitemaps enables different sitemaps to be generated on your web site. All available site sitemaps are listed here.

No image "settings.png" attached to qPloneGoogleSitemaps

You can:

  • Add New Sitemap - simple use appropriate button on the bottom of the page.
  • Delete sitemap - select the appropriate sitemap's type and the sitemap id from available selection list (any one can be selected), use appropriate button.
  • Set default sitemap: select sitemap type and desired id and use Set default button.
  • Ping desired sitemap: select sitemap type and push Ping button. By pressing "Ping" button you inform Google that it should reread your sitemap as you did some modification on the site. Google usually rereads your sitemap with it's own schedule but you have possibility to hint it about best time to do that. Below this button you have five workflow lists, which give you the opportunity to let Google know about the changes in your Plone site workflow.
  • You can edit only default sitemap with edit link (click on the necessary sitemap title and you will be lead to this sitemap edit form).

Edit sitemap

No image "edit.png" attached to qPloneGoogleSitemaps

On the edit form you can configure single sitemap and its pinging options:

  • Define the types Select meta types to be explored. Choose the content types in the field “Define the types” they want to be displayed in their Sitemap. (As a rule, Document is set as the default content type for the Plone Google Sitemap. However, it would be much better for the Google to see some other content types in your Plone Google Sitemap, like Folder or FormMailer).
  • Review status The objects with the given state will be displayed. Select the state of the objects to be visible in the Sitemap.
  • Blackout entries The objects with the given Short Names will be removed from the Sitemap. Make some objects invisible in the Sitemap by entering their Short Names.
  • URL processing Regular Expression Please, master regular expression in Perl syntax.
  • Additional URLs Add URLs that are not objects to enable the desired objects to be shown even though their content type was not chosen in the field “Meta Types to dig”
  • Pinging workflow transitions - Select workflow transitions for pinging google on.

“Settings” Note:

It is essential to avoid the situation when there are two objects with the same content in the Sitemap, e.g. a folder and its default page. Various methods can be applied in such cases. One can either forbid ids of these objects by entering them in the field “Blackout entries” or make sure the default pages are not published unlike folders.

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