5 | | '''Plone Google Sitemaps''' is a Plone product developed by Quintagroup that allows you to enable different kinds of Google Sitemaps on your Plone website. Such Sitemaps help Google to identify site URLs and the data under each site section. With Google Sitemaps enabled, search engines could track the URLs faster and more efficiently, optimizing their search by placing all the information on one page. More about [wiki:qPloneGoogleSitemaps/why Why create Sitemaps for Google]. |
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| 6 | [[Image(quintagroup.plonegooglesitemaps-160-120.jpg, nolink)]] |
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| 8 | '''Plone Google Sitemaps (quintagroup.plonegooglesitemaps''', former '''qPloneGoogleSitemaps)''' is a Plone product developed by Quintagroup that allows you to enable different kinds of Google Sitemaps on your Plone website. Such Sitemaps help Google to identify site URLs and the data under each site section. With Google Sitemaps enabled, search engines could track the URLs faster and more efficiently, optimizing their search by placing all the information on one page. More about [wiki:qPloneGoogleSitemaps/why Why create Sitemaps for Google]. |