Version 5 (modified by olena, 19 years ago) (diff) |
Plone Google Maps
Plone Google Maps (qPloneGoogleMaps) is a Google Maps view product for the Plone content management system which enables integration of Google Maps into Plone sites.
Plone Google Maps Installation
- Install qPloneGoogleMaps and geolocation as Zope products
- Install these two products in your Plone instance with Quick Installer (Plone Control Panel ->Add/remove Products)
How To Use qPloneGoogleMaps
Due to qPloneGoogleMaps you can set up the latitude and longitude of your site objects and have their maps exhibited on your site.
Choose the object you need and click on the tab "geolocation", which appeared after the installation of the Plone product with the same name. You will see a page with latitude and longitude fields and an empty Google map. Fill in the fields with the latitude and longitude values, click the "Save" button and you will see the changes on the map below.
In case you want to change the location of your object, you don't need to know the exact latitude and longitude values: just click on the map region you need, and the marker of the object will move in a way you like. Note that you can switch between three modes of the map by clicking on the corresponding buttons on the right top of the Google map: Map, Satellite and Hybrid (two first modes combined).
If you click on the display view drop-down menu, you will see an additional "maps view".
Suppose, we have a folder with two pages, for both of which the latitude and longitude parameters have been set up. Go to this folder and choose "maps view" from the "display" drop-down menu. You will see the map with both of these objects marked with the markers. If you click on one of these objects you will see its name appear beside it. t