3 | | http://maps.google.com/maps?f=q&source=s_q&hl=en&geocode=&q=lviv&aq=&sll=49.85,24.016667&sspn=0.300621,0.617294&ie=UTF8&hq=&hnear=L%27viv,+L%27vivs%27ka+oblast,+Ukraine&z=12&iwloc=A |
| 3 | Use [wiki:collective.embedly collective.embedly package] to easily embed maps form [http://maps.google.com/ GoogleMaps] service to your Plone 4 site. For this: |
| 4 | |
| 5 | 1. Go to your site HTML Filtering panel (/@@filter-controlpanel) and '''iframe''' to the list of '''Custom Tags'''. |
| 6 | |
| 7 | 2. Go to the object's edit form, select some text and choose '''Embedly link''' style for it |
| 8 | |
| 9 | [[Image(style.png, nolink)]] |
| 10 | |
| 11 | 3. The text should now look like linked. TinyMCE makes the whole passage linked, so keep in mind that the whole passage will later be substituted with embedded map. |
| 12 | |
| 13 | 4. Select this text again and go to ''Insert link'' to insert the URL to the desired object on GoogleMaps, e.g. location of the town Lviv, Ukraine - http://maps.google.com/maps?f=q&source=s_q&hl=en&geocode=&q=lviv&aq=&sll=49.85,24.016667&sspn=0.300621,0.617294&ie=UTF8&hq=&hnear=L%27viv,+L%27vivs%27ka+oblast,+Ukraine&z=12&iwloc=A |
| 14 | |
| 15 | [[Image(google-map-add.png, nolink)]] |
| 16 | |
| 17 | 5. Save this page. Now when rendered, there will be "preview" from embed.ly service inserted instead of the linked text: |
| 18 | |
| 19 | [[Image(google-map.png, nolink)]] |
| 20 | |