Changelog ========= 0.11 (2009-04-13) ----------------- - Removed setup.cfg [mylan] 0.10 (2009-04-13) ----------------- - Updated README [olha] 0.9 (2009-04-11) ---------------- - Changed package name/namespace to quintagroup.themetemplate. [mylan] 0.8 (2009-04-10) ---------------- * Update tests, readme [mylan] * Update viewlet-order subtemplate [mylan] * Fix uninstall bug [mylan] Version 0.7 ----------- * Add uninstall profile to fix skins tool after theme is uninstalled [piv] Version 0.1 ----------- * Initial import Theme template with nested namespace. Support ZopeSkel' "addcommad" local command for extend Theme template, support extending with portlet, view local templates. [mylan]