0.4.5 2005-03-06 * added full body of article support for Documents and SimpleBlog. * added Smart Folders/Topic syndication suport in Plone 2.1.2. The standart CMFTopic in Plone 2.0.5 does not implement getSyndicatableValues. * added basic iTunes support 0.4.1 2005-08-25 * fixed RSS1 headers 0.4 2005-07-27 * Fixed the getSindicatableContent script. Now if current object has custom synContentValues method then content is taken from portal_syndication. If not it will be taken from catalog based on the qRSS2 properties tab of the current object. * Added include subfolders option. * Added support to RSS2 template. * blogentry_item.pt now supports for ATAudio. * Added template RSS1, rssBody1 - RSS 0.92 feed with tag.