==================================== 2007-02-07 ==================================== * Merge optimization branch and old trunk version to trunk * Add portlet_no_calendar to portlet_simpleblog template ===================================== 2006-02-13 Danny Bloemendaal ===================================== * Made SB work with 2.1 * Removed some formatting options because they belong in css now * Made use of the Display menu for blogs and blog folders * Separated the macros into different files for easier customization * Several other minor fixes * Added feature for cross-posting blog entries into other blogs in the portal which is easy for communities and intranets. * SB now requires Plone 2.1 ===================================== 2005-02-02 Danny Bloemendaal ===================================== * Added preliminary blogger api support * Added cross-posting feature ===================================== 2004-17-09 Danny Bloemendaal ===================================== * Reinstated the link to the blog frontpage in the portlet * Added dutch translations. * Added new recent comments portlet. Thanks to Panjunyong. * Fixed a problem with fetching categories which gave unicode problems. * Added reST support. * Added a computed field in a blog folder that shows the 'inherited' categories. * Added icons for SimpleAlias ===================================== 2004-7-29 panjunyong ===================================== * add basic i18n support to SimpleBlog. * Chinese translations * new recent comments portlet: here/portlet_simpleblog/macros/portletRecentComments_local * speedup: don't use getObject() when query catalog * fix bug: local portlet invisible when view comments * fix bug: category related url not quoted * owner have AddBlogEntry permission by default * fix problem with catalog