Blackout filtering ================== Introduction ============ Sitemap portal type has an option that filters objects that should be excluded from a sitemap. This option is accessable on sitemap edit form and is labeled as "Blackout entries". In earlier versions of the package (<4.0.1 for plone-4 branch and <3.0.7 for plone-3 branch) this field allowed to filter objects only by their ids, and it looked like:
As a result, all objects with "index.html" or "index_html" ids were excluded from the sitemap. In the new versions of GoogleSitemaps filtering was refactored to pluggable architecture. Now filters turned to be named multi adapters. There are only two default filters: "id" and "path". Since different filters can be used - new syntax was applied to the "Blackout entries" field. Every record in the field should follow the specification: [:] * If no is specified - "id" filter will be used. * If is specified - system will look for -named multiadapter to IBlackoutFilter interface. If such multiadapter is not found - filter ill be ignored without raising any errors. The following parts demonstrate how to work with filtering. Aspects of default filters ("id" and "path") will also be considered. Demonstration environment setup =============================== First, we have to do some setup. We use testbrowser that is shipped with Five, as this provides proper Zope 2 integration. Most of the documentation, though, is in the underlying zope.testbrower package. >>> from Products.Five.testbrowser import Browser >>> browser = Browser() >>> portal_url = self.portal.absolute_url() This is useful when writing and debugging testbrowser tests. It lets us see all error messages in the error_log. >>> self.portal.error_log._ignored_exceptions = () With that in place, we can go to the portal front page and log in. We will do this using the default user from PloneTestCase: >>> from Products.PloneTestCase.setup import portal_owner, default_password >>> We have the login portlet, so let's use that. >>>'http://nohost/plone/login_form') >>> browser.getControl('Login Name').value = portal_owner >>> browser.getControl('Password').value = default_password >>> browser.getControl('Log in').click() >>> "You are now logged in" in browser.contents True >>> "Login failed" in browser.contents False >>> browser.url 'http://nohost/plone/login_form' Functionality ============= First, create some content for demonstration purpose. In the root of the portal >>> self.addDocument(self.portal, "doc1", "Document 1 text") >>> self.addDocument(self.portal, "doc2", "Document 2 text") And in the memeber's folder >>> self.addDocument(self.folder, "doc1", "Member Document 1 text") >>> self.addDocument(self.folder, "doc2", "Member Document 2 text") We need to add sitemap for demonstration. >>> + "/prefs_gsm_settings") >>> browser.getControl('Add Content Sitemap').click() Now we are landed on the newly-created sitemap edit form. What we are interested in is "Blackout entries" field on the edit form, it should be empty by default settings. >>> file("/tmp/browser.test.html","wb").write(browser.contents) >>> blackout_list = browser.getControl("Blackout entries") >>> blackout_list >>> blackout_list.value == "" True >>> save_button = browser.getControl("Save") >>> save_button >>> Clicking on "Save" button will lead us to the sitemap view. >>> print browser.contents >> + "/prefs_gsm_settings") >>> smedit_link = browser.getLink('sitemap.xml') >>> smedit_url = smedit_link.url This link points to the newly-created sitemap.xml edit form. Let's prepare view link to simplify the following demonstrations. >>> smedit_url.endswith("sitemap.xml/edit") True >>> smview_url = smedit_url[:-5] No filters ========== The created sitemap has no filters applied and all documents should appear in it. >>> >>> file("/tmp/browser.test.html","wb").write(browser.contents) >>> no_filters_content = browser.contents Check if result page is really a sitemap... >>> print browser.contents >> import re >>> reloc = re.compile("%s([^\<]*)" % self.portal.absolute_url(), re.S) Test if all 4 documents are in the sitemap without filters. >>> no_filters_res = reloc.findall(no_filters_content) >>> no_filters_res.sort() >>> print "\n".join(no_filters_res) /Members/test_user_1_/doc1 /Members/test_user_1_/doc2 /doc1 /doc2 Check "id" filter ================= Go to the sitemap edit form and add "doc1" line with "id:" prefix to the "Blackout entries" field. >>> >>> filtercontrol = browser.getControl("Blackout entries") >>> filtercontrol.value = """ ... id:doc1 ... """ >>> browser.getControl("Save").click() >>> id_filter_content = browser.contents "doc1" document should now be excluded from the sitemap. >>> id_filter_res = reloc.findall(id_filter_content) >>> id_filter_res.sort() >>> print "\n".join(id_filter_res) /Members/test_user_1_/doc2 /doc2 Check "path" filter =================== Suppose we want to exclude "doc2" document, located in test_user_1_ home folder, but leave "doc2" untouched in portal root with all other objects. >>> >>> filtercontrol = browser.getControl("Blackout entries") >>> filtercontrol.value = """ ... path:/Members/test_user_1_/doc2 ... """ >>> browser.getControl("Save").click() >>> path_filter_content = browser.contents "/Members/test_user_1_/doc2" object should be excluded from the sitemap. >>> path_filter_res = reloc.findall(path_filter_content) >>> path_filter_res.sort() >>> print "\n".join(path_filter_res) /Members/test_user_1_/doc1 /doc1 /doc2 Check default filter ==================== Now I have a question: "What filter will be used when no filter name prefix is specified (e.g. old-fashion filters)?" Go to the sitemap edit form and add "doc1" line without any filter name prefix to the "Blackout entries" field. >>> + "/sitemap.xml/edit") >>> filtercontrol = browser.getControl("Blackout entries") >>> filtercontrol.value = """ ... doc1 ... """ >>> browser.getControl("Save").click() >>> default_filter_content = browser.contents "id" filter must be used as default filter. So, "doc1" object should be excluded from the sitemap. >>> default_filter_res = reloc.findall(default_filter_content) >>> default_filter_res.sort() >>> print "\n".join(default_filter_res) /Members/test_user_1_/doc2 /doc2 Create your own filters ======================= Suppose we want to create our own blackout filter, which will behave like id-filter, but will have some differences. Our fitler has the following format: (+|-) - if the 1st sign is "+" then only objects with should be left in sitemap after filetering; - if the 1st sign is "-" then all objects with should be excluded from the sitemap (like default id filter). You need to create new IBlckoutFilter multi-adapter, and register it with unique name. >>> from zope.component import adapts >>> from zope.interface import Interface, implements >>> from zope.publisher.interfaces.browser import IBrowserRequest >>> from quintagroup.plonegooglesitemaps.interfaces import IBlackoutFilter >>> class SignedIdFilter(object): ... adapts(Interface, IBrowserRequest) ... implements(IBlackoutFilter) ... def __init__(self, context, request): ... self.context = context ... self.request = request ... def filterOut(self, fdata, fargs): ... sign = fargs[0] ... fid = fargs[1:] ... if sign == "+": ... return [b for b in fdata if b.getId==fid] ... elif sign == "-": ... return [b for b in fdata if b.getId!=fid] ... return fdata Now register this new filter as named multiadapter ... >>> from zope.component import provideAdapter >>> provideAdapter(SignedIdFilter, ... name=u'signedid') So that's all what needed to add new filter. Now test newly-created filter. Check whether white filtering ("+" prefix) works correctly. Go to the sitemap edit form and add "signedid:+doc1" to the "Blackout entries" field. >>> >>> filtercontrol = browser.getControl("Blackout entries") >>> filtercontrol.value = """ ... signedid:+doc1 ... """ >>> browser.getControl("Save").click() >>> signedid_filter_content = browser.contents Only objects with "doc1" id should be left in the sitemap. >>> signedid_filter_res = reloc.findall(signedid_filter_content) >>> signedid_filter_res.sort() >>> print "\n".join(signedid_filter_res) /Members/test_user_1_/doc1 /doc1 Finally, check whether black filtering ("-" prefix) works correctly. Go to the sitemaps edit form and add "signedid:-doc1" to the "Blackout entries" field. >>> >>> filtercontrol = browser.getControl("Blackout entries") >>> filtercontrol.value = """ ... signedid:-doc1 ... """ >>> browser.getControl("Save").click() >>> signedid_filter_content = browser.contents All objects, except those having "doc1" id, must be included in the sitemap. >>> signedid_filter_res = reloc.findall(signedid_filter_content) >>> signedid_filter_res.sort() >>> print "\n".join(signedid_filter_res) /Members/test_user_1_/doc2 /doc2