Changelog ========= 4.1.7 (2011-06-05) ------------------ - Update pt_br translations [cleberjsantos,agnogueira] - fix problem with no "login_action" in plone 4 [enkidu] 4.1.6 (2011-02-18) ------------------ - Fixed discussion_edit_form validators #12 [zjs2k,kroman0] - Updated french translation [Benjamin Klups,kroman0] - Updated Italian translation #10 [micecchi,kroman0] - Added svn:ignore *.mo files [kroman0] - Merged last fixes from branches/jquery [kroman0] - Updated german translation [olha] 4.1.5 (2010-08-20) ------------------ - Fixed issue #7 [kroman0] - Removed tabindex support [kroman0] 4.1.4 (2010-06-29) ------------------ - Fixed [kroman0] - Error in Italian translation corrected [olha] 4.1.3 (2010-06-04) ------------------ - Fixed issues #2 & #3 [kroman0] - Added icon_expr for qPloneComments configlet and anchor for comments [kroman0] - Fixed tests, validating email & validation scripts parameters, configlet & report_abuse_template templates [kroman0] - Fixed AjaxReportAbuse for anonymous [kroman0] - Fixed email message charset in Plone4 & global variables in templates for Plone4 [kroman0] - Fixed InitializeClass and md5 for Plone4(python2.6) [kroman0] - Fixed target url for discussion_publish_comment [kroman0] - Fixed MailHostb secureSend call [kroman0] - Fixed translations and pt-br locale [kroman0] 4.1.2 (2010-01-27) ------------------ - Fixed auto focus in commenting form [kroman0] - Updated the image thumb logic [mylan] - 'Enable Manager moderation' condition rolled back [kroman0] - Captcha removed from comment edit form [kroman0] 4.1.1 (2009-11-09) ------------------ - Hide 'Recent comments' tab and 'Enable Manager moderation' checkbox for manager [crchemist] 4.1.0 (2009-08-11) ------------------ - Added "report abuse" feature contributed by jcbrand. [liebster] - Added edit comment functionality [mylan] - Updated comments viewlet - now comment form present without needing to push on 'Add comment' button. [mylan] 4.0.1 (2009-06-05) ------------------ - Fixed links in the email messages. [liebster] 4.0.0 (2009-04-06) ------------------ - Plone 3.* compatibility release [liebster] 3.2.1 (unreleased) ------------------ - Added uninstall configlet and skins - Converted a i18n layout to a locales layout 3.1.2 (unreleased) ------------------ - Fixed to use the username as the comment creator. That's necessary whenever the user is authenticated. This fixes the problems where commenters weren't receiving any notifications. [deo] 3.1.1 (2008-09-19) ------------------ - Fixed bug in registration of product also as a package. [liebster] 3.1.0 (2008-08-28) ------------------ - Added pt-br translation. [erico_andrei] - Converted ``Extension/``` into a complete GenericSetup profile. [deo] - Added note about the ``browser.layer`` dependency for Plone 3.0.x. [deo] - Updated tests to run with Plone 3.x. [deo] - General code cleanup and modernization. [deo] - Synchronized the discussion templates to match Plone 3.x versions. [deo]