========================== A GSpreadsheet content type doctest ========================== Import the class. >>> from quintagroup.gdocs.spreadsheet.content.gspreadsheet import GSpreadsheet Create object >>> my_context = GSpreadsheet('id') Testing set attributes of class GSpreadsheet >>> my_context.title = u"Some title" >>> my_context.description = u"Some description" >>> my_context.spreadsheet_id = u"Some spreadsheet id" >>> my_context.worksheet_id = u"Some worksheet id" >>> my_context.order_columns = ({'column_key': 'col1', 'column_title': 'Title 1'},) >>> my_context.title 'Some title' >>> my_context.description 'Some description' >>> my_context.spreadsheet_id 'Some spreadsheet id' >>> my_context.worksheet_id 'Some worksheet id' >>> len(my_context.order_columns) 1 >>> my_context.order_columns[0]['column_key'] 'col1' >>> my_context.order_columns[0]['column_title'] 'Title 1' Testing all_keys_columns property method of class GSpreadsheet >>> my_context.all_keys_columns ['col1', 'col2', 'col3', 'col4', 'col5'] Testing getKeyColumnVocabulary method of class GSpreadsheet >>> kcv = my_context.getKeyColumnVocabulary() >>> len(kcv) 5 >>> kcv[0] 'col1' >>> kcv[4] 'col5'