## Script (Python) "report_abuse" ##bind container=container ##bind context=context ##bind namespace= ##bind script=script ##bind state=state ##bind subpath=traverse_subpath ##parameters=message,text_format='plain',username=None,password=None ##title=Reply to content from Products.PythonScripts.standard import url_quote_plus from Products.CMFCore.utils import getToolByName from Products.CMFPlone import MessageFactory from Products.CMFPlone import PloneMessageFactory from quintagroup.plonecomments.utils import manage_mails _ = MessageFactory('quintagroup.plonecomments') req = context.REQUEST mtool = getToolByName(context, 'portal_membership') dtool = getToolByName(context, 'portal_discussion') pp = getToolByName(context,'portal_properties') isForAnonymous = pp['qPloneComments'].getProperty('enable_anonymous_report_abuse', False) if username or password: # The user username/password inputs on on the comment form were used, # which might happen when anonymous commenting is enabled. If they typed # something in to either of the inputs, we send them to 'logged_in'. # 'logged_in' will redirect them back to this script if authentication # succeeds with a query string which will post the message appropriately # and show them the result. if 'logged_in' fails, the user will be # presented with the stock login failure page. This all depends # heavily on cookiecrumbler, but I believe that is a Plone requirement. came_from = '%s?subject=%s&body_text=%s' % (req['URL'], subject, body_text) came_from = url_quote_plus(came_from) portal_url = context.portal_url() return req.RESPONSE.redirect( '%s/logged_in?__ac_name=%s' '&__ac_password=%s' '&came_from=%s' % (portal_url, url_quote_plus(username), url_quote_plus(password), came_from, ) ) comment_creator = req.get('Creator', None) if isForAnonymous and comment_creator: # Get entered anonymous name comment_creator = comment_creator else: member = mtool.getAuthenticatedMember() comment_creator = member.getUserName() if mtool.isAnonymousUser(): email = req.get('email', '') else: email = mtool.getAuthenticatedMember().getProperty('email') tb = dtool.getDiscussionFor(context) # Send notification e-mail manage_mails(context, context, 'report_abuse') # return to the discussable object. redirect_target = context.plone_utils.getDiscussionThread(tb)[0] view = redirect_target.getTypeInfo().getActionInfo('object/view', redirect_target)['url'] portal_status_message=_(u'Your abuse report has been sent.') context.plone_utils.addPortalMessage(portal_status_message) target = '%s' % view return req.RESPONSE.redirect(target)