1.3.0 - February 6, 2008 ============================== * Secure sendto_form and join_form with captcha * Fix secure bug in join_form captcha * Added Czech translation 1.2.3 - September 6, 2007 ============================== * added Spanish translation. 1.2.2 - July 10, 2007 ============================== * fix problem with redirect in PloneFormMailer 1.2.1 - June 21, 2007 ============================== * fixed translation problem in plone-2.1.4. 1.2.0 - April 24, 2007 ============================== * fixed qPloneCaptchas PFM forms layout breakage * fixed the polish translation file * added captchas for join form 1.1.0 - February 27,2007 ============================== * fixed the '0.jpg' issue * added status messages translation 1.0 - November 28, 2006 ============================== * qPloneComments related code moved to the comments product * refactored skins for easier dynamic/static captchas switch 0.9 - Released October 9, 2006 ============================== * Added implementation of dynamic generation of captcha images using PIL * Changed verification method of entered catchas word. * Implemented locking for used captchas keys to prevent possibility the past keys reusage. * Support of Plone 2.5 added