0.8.4 Add canonical_path support from quintagroup.canonicalpath package 0.8.3 Fix profile name bug 0.8.2 Fix bug of qPGSMs breakage on object creation in plone-3 0.8.1 Prevetn QuickInstaller confuse in <= plone-2.5 *Added Install.py external script 0.8 Multiple Sitemap type support * Added support for content, mobile, news sitemap * Implement Sitemap XML protocol version 0.9 * Many verification files can be added to site * Update tests 0.6 Plone-3.0 compatibility * Added plone-3 compatibility. 0.5 Added tests * Fix up bug in sed command s 0.4.10 Configlet split into tabs * Added workflow transitions configuration 0.4.9 Introduced different sort options * Added blackout list * Added opportunity to use sed command s 0.4 Introduced sitemap ping to Google * Added Google ping * Added configuration page * Added filter by content-types and states 0.3 Introduced product configlet * Added product configlet * Added product usage docs on configlet 0.2 Introduced XML format * Moved to XML sitemaps format * Added lastmod element to inform Google of object change date * sitemap is comressed via HTTP gzip compression 0.1 Initial version, proof of concept (i.e, Google working ;) * plain text sitemaps format * simple installer, no configuration * no UI, just the working code ;)