import re from xml.dom import minidom from types import ListType from types import TupleType from zope.interface import implements, classProvides from import IAnnotations from Products.CMFPlone.Portal import PloneSite from Products.CMFCore import utils from collective.transmogrifier.interfaces import ISection, ISectionBlueprint from collective.transmogrifier.utils import defaultMatcher from quintagroup.transmogrifier.interfaces import IExportDataCorrector, IImportDataCorrector from quintagroup.transmogrifier.adapters.exporting import ReferenceExporter from quintagroup.transmogrifier.manifest import ManifestExporterSection from quintagroup.transmogrifier.logger import VALIDATIONKEY from quintagroup.transmogrify.simpleblog2quills.interfaces import IExportItemManipulator, IBlog # URL of the site, where blog is located (this is needed to fix links in entries) SITE_URLS = [] IMAGE_FOLDER = 'images' IMAGE_FOLDER_TYPE = 'Large Plone Folder' # this registries are needed to avoid loosing images with equal ids IMAGE_IDS = [] IMAGE_PATHS = {} class BlogManifest(object): implements(IExportDataCorrector) def __init__(self, context): self.context = context def __call__(self, data): # flag that indicated whether 'images' folder must added to manifest need_to_add = True doc = minidom.parseString(data['data']) root = doc.documentElement for child in root.getElementsByTagName('record'): if child.getAttribute('type') not in ('BlogEntry', 'BlogFolder'): root.removeChild(child) elif str(child.firstChild.nodeValue.strip()) == IMAGE_FOLDER: # blog already contains object with IMAGE_FOLDER id need_to_add = False if need_to_add: folder = doc.createElement('record') folder.setAttribute('type', IMAGE_FOLDER_TYPE) folder.appendChild(doc.createTextNode(IMAGE_FOLDER)) root.appendChild(folder) data['data'] = doc.toxml('utf-8') return data class BlogFolderManifest(object): implements(IExportDataCorrector) def __init__(self, context): self.context = context def __call__(self, data): doc = minidom.parseString(data['data']) root = doc.documentElement for child in root.getElementsByTagName('record'): if child.getAttribute('type') not in ('BlogEntry', 'BlogFolder'): root.removeChild(child) data['data'] = doc.toxml('utf-8') return data class BlogEntryManifest(object): implements(IExportItemManipulator) def __init__(self, context): self.context = context def __call__(self, item, **kw): # remove manifest data from item - content contained in BlogEntry isn't exported if '_files' in item and 'manifest' in item['_files']: del item['_files']['manifest'] return item def recurseToInterface(item, ifaces): """Recurse up the aq_chain until an object providing `iface' is found, and return that. """ if not isinstance(ifaces, (ListType, TupleType)): ifaces = [ifaces] parent = item.aq_parent for iface in ifaces: if iface.providedBy(item): return item for iface in ifaces: if iface.providedBy(parent): return parent if isinstance(parent, PloneSite): # Stop when we get to the portal root. return None return recurseToInterface(parent, ifaces) def getUniqueId(image_id): """ Generate id that is unique in IMAGE_IDS registry. """ if '.' in image_id: name, ext = image_id.rsplit('.', 1) ext = '.' + ext else: name, ext = image_id, '' if image_id in IMAGE_IDS: c = 1 new_id = name + str(c) + ext while new_id in IMAGE_IDS: c += 1 new_id = name + str(c) + ext image_id = new_id return image_id class BlogEntryExporter(ReferenceExporter): implements(IExportDataCorrector) SRC = re.compile(r'src="([^"]+)"') def __init__(self, context): self.context = context self.portal_url = utils.getToolByName(self.context, 'portal_url') self.portal = self.portal_url.getPortalObject() def __call__(self, data): data = super(BlogEntryExporter, self).__call__(data) doc = minidom.parseString(data['data']) try: elem = [i for i in doc.getElementsByTagName('field') if i.getAttribute('name') == 'body'][0] except IndexError: return data text = elem.firstChild.nodeValue urls = self.SRC.findall(text) blog = recurseToInterface(self.context, IBlog) blog_path = blog.getPhysicalPath() context_path = self.context.getPhysicalPath() for url in urls: url = str(url) image_id = url.rsplit('/', 1)[-1] # skip links with illegal url schema if '://' in url and not url.startswith('http://'): continue # convert all all links to relative if url.startswith('http://'): for site in SITE_URLS: if url.startswith(site): # check whether image is stored in blog relative_url = url[len(site):] relative_url = relative_url.strip('/') # if link is broken we'll get an AttributeError try: image = self.portal.unrestrictedTraverse(relative_url) except AttributeError: break in_blog = recurseToInterface(image, IBlog) is not None and True or False if in_blog: image_id = self.fixImageId(image, image_id, blog_path) level = len(context_path) - len(blog_path) - 1 new_url = '/'.join(['..' for i in range(level)]) new_url = '/'.join((new_url, IMAGE_FOLDER, image_id)) text = text.replace(url, new_url, 1) else: # find how many levels self.context is under portal root level = len(context_path) - 3 new_url = '/'.join(['..' for i in range(level)]) new_url = new_url + '/' + relative_url text = text.replace(url, new_url, 1) break else: if url.startswith('/'): # if link is broken we'll get an AttributeError try: image = self.portal.unrestrictedTraverse(url.strip('/')) except AttributeError: continue else: # if link is broken we'll get an AttributeError try: image = self.context.unrestrictedTraverse(url) except AttributeError: continue in_blog = recurseToInterface(image, IBlog) is not None and True or False if in_blog: image_id = self.fixImageId(image, image_id, blog_path) level = len(context_path) - len(blog_path) - 1 new_url = '/'.join(['..' for i in range(level)]) new_url = '/'.join([new_url, IMAGE_FOLDER, image_id]) text = text.replace(url, new_url, 1) elif url.startswith('../'): # remove '../' from the start of string new_url = url[3:] text = text.replace(url, new_url, 1) elif url.startswith('/'): # these links didn't work so rewrite them with '..' # find how many levels self.context is under portal root level = len(context_path) - 3 new_url = '/'.join(['..' for i in range(level)]) new_url = new_url + url text = text.replace(url, new_url, 1) elem.firstChild.nodeValue = text data['data'] = doc.toxml('utf-8') return data def fixImageId(self, image, image_id, blog_path): """ Check whether image is good or generate new if it's bad. """ image_path = '/'.join(image.getPhysicalPath()) if image_id in IMAGE_IDS and image_path not in IMAGE_PATHS: image_id = getUniqueId(image_id) if image_id not in IMAGE_IDS: IMAGE_IDS.append(image_id) IMAGE_PATHS[image_path] = '/'.join(blog_path[2:] + (IMAGE_FOLDER, image_id)) return image_id class PathRewriter(object): implements(IExportItemManipulator) def __init__(self, context): self.context = context def __call__(self, item, **kw): pathkey = kw.get('path') if pathkey is None: return item path = item[pathkey] blog = recurseToInterface(self.context, IBlog) if blog is None: return item blog_path = blog.getPhysicalPath() full_path = '/'.join(self.context.getPhysicalPath()) image_id = path.rsplit('/', 1)[-1] modified = False if full_path in IMAGE_PATHS: new_path = IMAGE_PATHS[full_path] else: unique_id = getUniqueId(image_id) modified = image_id != unique_id new_path = '/'.join(blog_path[2:] + (IMAGE_FOLDER, unique_id)) IMAGE_IDS.append(image_id) IMAGE_PATHS[full_path] = new_path # change item's path item[pathkey] = new_path item['_oldpath'] = path # now we need to fix object id in .marshall.xml if modified: if '_files' in item and 'marshall' in item['_files']: doc = minidom.parseString(item['_files']['marshall']['data']) elem = [i for i in doc.getElementsByTagName('field') if i.getAttribute('name') == 'id'][0] elem.firstChild.nodeValue = '\n\t\t%s\n\t' % unique_id item['_files']['marshall']['data'] = doc.toxml('utf-8') return item class ImageFolderSection(object): """ This section will generate manifest files for image folders in blog. """ classProvides(ISectionBlueprint) implements(ISection) def __init__(self, transmogrifier, name, options, previous): self.previous = previous self.transmogrifier = transmogrifier self.flagkey = defaultMatcher(options, 'old-path-key', name, 'oldpath') self.typekey = defaultMatcher(options, 'type-key', name, 'type') self.pathkey = defaultMatcher(options, 'path-key', name, 'path') site_urls = options.get('site-urls', '') site_urls = filter(None, [i.strip() for i in site_urls.splitlines()]) for i in site_urls: SITE_URLS.append(i) self.anno = IAnnotations(transmogrifier) def __iter__(self): folders = {} # safely get logging storage if VALIDATIONKEY in self.anno: log_storage = self.anno[VALIDATIONKEY] else: log_storage = None for item in self.previous: item_keys = item.keys() pathkey = self.pathkey(*item_keys)[0] typekey = self.typekey(*item_keys)[0] oldpathkey = self.flagkey(*item_keys)[0] # collect data about images moved to folders if pathkey and typekey and oldpathkey: path = item[pathkey] old_path = item[oldpathkey] type_ = item[typekey] folder_path, image_id = path.rsplit('/', 1) folders.setdefault(folder_path, []).append((image_id, type_)) # update logging data (path) for this item if log_storage and log_storage[-1] == old_path: log_storage.pop() log_storage.append(path) yield item # generate manifests for those image folders items = [] for folder, entries in folders.items(): items.append({'_entries': entries, pathkey: folder}) exporter = ManifestExporterSection(self.transmogrifier, 'manifest', {'blueprint': 'manifest'}, iter(items)) for item in exporter: yield item # clean registries while IMAGE_IDS: IMAGE_IDS.pop() while SITE_URLS: SITE_URLS.pop() IMAGE_PATHS.clear() class WorkflowImporter(object): """ This adapter tries to convert all possible workflow histories to simple_publication_workflow history. """ implements(IImportDataCorrector) def __init__(self, context): self.context = context def __call__(self, data): doc = minidom.parseString(data['data']) wh = [i for i in doc.getElementsByTagName('cmf:workflow')] if not wh: # we don't have such workflow history return data wh = wh[0] workflow_id = wh.getAttribute('id') if workflow_id == 'simple_publication_workflow': return data wh.setAttribute('id', 'simple_publication_workflow') if workflow_id == 'simpleblog_workflow': self.fixSimpleBlogWorkflow(wh) else: self.fixWorkflow(wh) data['data'] = doc.toxml('utf-8') return data def fixSimpleBlogWorkflow(self, wh): for history in wh.getElementsByTagName('cmf:history'): for var in history.getElementsByTagName('cmf:var'): id_ = var.getAttribute('id') value = var.getAttribute('value') if id_ == 'review_state' and value == 'draft': var.setAttribute('value', 'private') def fixWorkflow(self, wh): for history in wh.getElementsByTagName('cmf:history'): for var in history.getElementsByTagName('cmf:var'): id_ = var.getAttribute('id') value = var.getAttribute('value') if id_ == 'review_state' and value == 'visible': var.setAttribute('value', 'published')