from zope.interface import classProvides, implements from zope.annotation.interfaces import IAnnotations from collective.transmogrifier.interfaces import ISection, ISectionBlueprint from collective.transmogrifier.utils import Condition from Products.CMFCore.interfaces import IFolderish from Products.Archetypes.interfaces import IBaseFolder from quintagroup.transmogrifier.logger import VALIDATIONKEY class SiteWalkerSection(object): classProvides(ISectionBlueprint) implements(ISection) def __init__(self, transmogrifier, name, options, previous): self.previous = previous self.context = transmogrifier.context self.pathkey = options.get('path-key', '_path').strip() self.typekey = options.get('type-key', '_type').strip() self.entrieskey = options.get('entries-key', '_entries').strip() # this is used for communication with 'logger' section self.anno = IAnnotations(transmogrifier) = self.anno.setdefault(VALIDATIONKEY, []) self.condition = Condition(options.get('condition', 'python:True'), transmogrifier, name, options) def getContained(self, obj): contained = [(k, v) for k, v in obj.contentItems() if self.condition(None, context=v)] return tuple(contained) def walk(self, obj): if IFolderish.providedBy(obj) or IBaseFolder.providedBy(obj): contained = self.getContained(obj) yield obj, tuple([(k, v.getPortalTypeName()) for k, v in contained]) for k, v in contained: for x in self.walk(v): yield x else: yield obj, () def __iter__(self): for item in self.previous: yield item for obj, contained in self.walk(self.context): item = { self.pathkey: '/'.join(obj.getPhysicalPath()[2:]), self.typekey: obj.getPortalTypeName(), } if contained: item[self.entrieskey] = contained # add item path to stack[self.pathkey]) yield item # cleanup if VALIDATIONKEY in self.anno: del self.anno[VALIDATIONKEY]