import traceback from xml.dom import minidom from zope.interface import classProvides, implements from collective.transmogrifier.interfaces import ISection, ISectionBlueprint from collective.transmogrifier.utils import defaultMatcher, Condition class OFSExporterSection(object): classProvides(ISectionBlueprint) implements(ISection) def __init__(self, transmogrifier, name, options, previous): self.previous = previous self.context = transmogrifier.context self.pathkey = defaultMatcher(options, 'path-key', name, 'path') self.fileskey = options.get('files-key', '_files').strip() self.doc = minidom.Document() self.condition = Condition(options.get('condition', 'python:True'), transmogrifier, name, options) def __iter__(self): for item in self.previous: pathkey = self.pathkey(*item.keys())[0] if not pathkey: yield item; continue path = item[pathkey] files = item.setdefault(self.fileskey, {}) obj = self.context.unrestrictedTraverse(path, None) if obj is None: # path doesn't exist yield item; continue if obj.meta_type in ["File", "Image"]: name = getattr(obj, '__name__', data = getattr(obj, 'data', '') fields = {'__name__': name, 'title': getattr(obj, 'title', name), 'precondition': getattr(obj, 'precondition', ''), 'size': getattr(obj, 'get_size', lambda o:0)(), 'content_type': getattr(obj, 'content_type', ''), } if obj.meta_type == "Image": fields['width'] = getattr(obj, 'width', 0) fields['height'] = getattr(obj, 'height', 0) files['file-properties'] = { 'name': '.file-properties.xml', 'data': self.createManifest(fields), } if len(data) > 0: files[fields['__name__']] = { 'name': name, 'data': data, 'content_type': fields['content_type'], } yield item def createManifest(self, props): doc = self.doc root = doc.createElement('manifest') for name, val in props.items(): # create field node prop = doc.createElement('prop') # set id attribute attr_id = doc.createAttribute('id') attr_id.value = name prop.setAttributeNode(attr_id) # add value v = doc.createTextNode(str(val)) prop.appendChild(v) root.appendChild(prop) doc.appendChild(root) try: data = doc.toprettyxml(indent=' ', encoding='utf-8') except UnicodeDecodeError, e: # all comments are strings encoded in 'utf-8' and they will properly # saved in xml file, but if we explicitly give 'utf-8' encoding # UnicodeDecodeError will be raised when they have non-ascii chars data = doc.toprettyxml(indent=' ') doc.unlink() return data