from zope.interface import classProvides, implements from zope import event from collective.transmogrifier.interfaces import ISectionBlueprint from collective.transmogrifier.interfaces import ISection from collective.transmogrifier.utils import defaultMatcher from Products.CMFCore import utils from Products.CMFCore.WorkflowCore import WorkflowException try: from zope.interface import alsoProvides from quills.core.interfaces.enabled import IWeblogEnhanced, IPossibleWeblog from Products.QuillsEnabled.activation import WeblogActivationEvent except ImportError: # this try: ... except: ... clause is needed for this package to work on # plone 2.1, because zcml:condition attribute in zcml doesn't work pass from quintagroup.transmogrifier.simpleblog2quills.adapters import IMAGE_FOLDER class BlogActivatorSection(object): classProvides(ISectionBlueprint) implements(ISection) def __init__(self, transmogrifier, name, options, previous): self.transmogrifier = transmogrifier self.context = transmogrifier.context self.wftool = utils.getToolByName(self.context, 'portal_workflow') self.pathkey = defaultMatcher(options, 'path-key', name, 'path') self.flagkey = options.get('flag-key', '_old_type').strip() self.previous = previous def __iter__(self): for item in self.previous: pathkey = self.pathkey(*item.keys())[0] if not pathkey: yield item; continue type_ = item.get(self.flagkey, None) newtype = item.get('_type', None) if type_ != 'Blog' and newtype != 'Large Plone Folder': yield item; continue path = item[pathkey] if type_ is None and newtype == 'Large Plone Folder': parts = path.rsplit('/', 1) if len(parts) == 2: parent, id_ = parts else: yield item; continue if id_ != IMAGE_FOLDER: yield item; continue obj = self.context.unrestrictedTraverse(path, None) if obj is None: # path doesn't exist yield item; continue if type_ == 'Blog' and newtype == 'Large Plone Folder': # mark as blog if not IWeblogEnhanced.providedBy(obj) and \ IPossibleWeblog.providedBy(obj): alsoProvides(obj, IWeblogEnhanced) event.notify(WeblogActivationEvent(obj)) elif type_ is None and newtype == 'Large Plone Folder': # pulish 'images' subfolder parent = self.context.unrestrictedTraverse(parent, None) if IWeblogEnhanced.providedBy(parent) : try: self.wftool.doActionFor(obj, 'publish') except WorkflowException: pass yield item # reindex provided interfaces catalog = utils.getToolByName(self.context, 'portal_catalog') catalog.reindexIndex('object_provides', None)