from sets import Set from DateTime import DateTime from Acquisition import aq_inner from zope.component import queryAdapter from import ControlPanelView from Products.Five.browser import BrowserView from Products.CMFCore.utils import getToolByName from Products.Five.browser.pagetemplatefile import ViewPageTemplateFile from Products.CMFPlone import PloneMessageFactory as pmf from quintagroup.seoptimizer import SeoptimizerMessageFactory as _ SEPERATOR = '|' HAS_CANONICAL_PATH = True SEO_PREFIX = 'seo_' PROP_PREFIX = 'qSEO_' SUFFIX = '_override' PROP_CUSTOM_PREFIX = 'qSEO_custom_' try: from quintagroup.canonicalpath.interfaces import ICanonicalPath except ImportError: HAS_CANONICAL_PATH = False class SEOContext( BrowserView ): """ """ def getSEOProperty( self, property_name, accessor='' ): """ """ context = aq_inner(self.context) if context.hasProperty(property_name): return context.getProperty(property_name) if accessor: method = getattr(context, accessor, None) if not callable(method): return None # Catch AttributeErrors raised by some AT applications try: value = method() except AttributeError: value = None return value def seo_title( self ): """ """ return self.getSEOProperty( 'qSEO_title', accessor='Title' ) def seo_robots( self ): """ """ robots = self.getSEOProperty( 'qSEO_robots' ) return robots and robots or 'ALL' def seo_description( self ): """ Generate Description from SEO properties """ return self.getSEOProperty( 'qSEO_description', accessor = 'Description') def seo_distribution( self ): """ Generate Description from SEO properties """ dist = self.getSEOProperty( 'qSEO_distribution' ) return dist and dist or 'Global' def seo_customMetaTags( self ): """ """ tags = self.seo_globalCustomMetaTags() loc = self.seo_localCustomMetaTags() names = [i['meta_name'] for i in tags] add_tags = [] for i in loc: if i['meta_name'] in names: for t in tags: if t['meta_name'] == i['meta_name']: t['meta_content'] = i['meta_content'] else: add_tags.append(i) tags.extend(add_tags) return tags def seo_globalWithoutLocalCustomMetaTags( self ): """ """ glob = self.seo_globalCustomMetaTags() loc = self.seo_localCustomMetaTags() names = [i['meta_name'] for i in loc] tags = [] for i in glob: if i['meta_name'] not in names: tags.append(i) return tags def seo_localCustomMetaTags( self ): """ """ result = [] property_prefix = 'qSEO_custom_' context = aq_inner(self.context) for property, value in context.propertyItems(): if property.startswith(property_prefix) and property[len(property_prefix):]: result.append({'meta_name' : property[len(property_prefix):], 'meta_content' : value}) return result def seo_globalCustomMetaTags( self ): """ """ result = [] context = aq_inner(self.context) site_properties = getToolByName(context, 'portal_properties') if hasattr(site_properties, 'seo_properties'): custom_meta_tags = getattr(site_properties.seo_properties, 'default_custom_metatags', []) for tag in custom_meta_tags: name_value = tag.split(SEPERATOR) if name_value[0]: result.append({'meta_name' : name_value[0], 'meta_content' : len(name_value) == 2 and name_value[1] or ''}) return result def seo_nonEmptylocalMetaTags( self ): """ """ return bool(self.seo_localCustomMetaTags()) def seo_html_comment( self ): """ """ html_comment = self.getSEOProperty( 'qSEO_html_comment' ) return html_comment and html_comment or '' def seo_keywords( self ): """ Generate Keywords from SEO properties """ prop_name = 'qSEO_keywords' add_keywords = 'additional_keywords' accessor = 'Subject' context = aq_inner(self.context) keywords = Set([]) if context.hasProperty(prop_name): keywords = Set(context.getProperty(prop_name)) pprops = getToolByName(context, 'portal_properties') sheet = getattr(pprops, 'seo_properties', None) if sheet and sheet.hasProperty(add_keywords): keywords = keywords | Set(sheet.getProperty(add_keywords)) if keywords: return keywords method = getattr(context, accessor, None) if not callable(method): return None # Catch AttributeErrors raised by some AT applications try: value = method() except AttributeError: value = None return value def seo_canonical( self ): """ Get canonical URL """ canonical = self.getSEOProperty( 'qSEO_canonical' ) if not canonical and HAS_CANONICAL_PATH: canpath = queryAdapter(self.context, ICanonicalPath) if canpath: purl = getToolByName(self.context, 'portal_url')() cpath = canpath.canonical_path() canonical = purl + cpath return canonical and canonical or self.context.absolute_url() class SEOControlPanel( ControlPanelView ): """ """ template = ViewPageTemplateFile('templates/') @property def portal_properties( self ): """ """ context = aq_inner(self.context) return getToolByName(context, 'portal_properties') @property def portal_types( self ): """ """ context = aq_inner(self.context) return getToolByName(context, 'portal_types') def hasSEOAction( self, type_info ): """ """ return filter(lambda == 'seo_properties', type_info.listActions()) def test( self, condition, first, second ): """ """ return condition and first or second def getExposeDCMetaTags( self ): """ """ sp = self.portal_properties.site_properties return sp.getProperty('exposeDCMetaTags') def getDefaultCustomMetatags( self ): """ """ seo = self.portal_properties.seo_properties return seo.getProperty('default_custom_metatags') def getMetaTagsOrder( self ): """ """ seo = self.portal_properties.seo_properties return seo.getProperty('metatags_order') def getAdditionalKeywords( self ): """ """ seo = self.portal_properties.seo_properties return seo.getProperty('additional_keywords') def createMultiColumnList( self ): """ """ context = aq_inner(self.context) allTypes = self.portal_types.listContentTypes() try: return context.createMultiColumnList(allTypes, sort_on='title_or_id') except AttributeError: return [slist] def __call__( self ): """ """ context = aq_inner(self.context) request = self.request portalTypes=request.get( 'portalTypes', [] ) exposeDCMetaTags=request.get( 'exposeDCMetaTags', None ) additionalKeywords=request.get('additionalKeywords', []) default_custom_metatags=request.get('default_custom_metatags', []) metatags_order=request.get('metatags_order', []) site_props = getToolByName(self.portal_properties, 'site_properties') seo_props = getToolByName(self.portal_properties, 'seo_properties') form = self.request.form submitted = form.get('form.submitted', False) if submitted: site_props.manage_changeProperties(exposeDCMetaTags=exposeDCMetaTags) seo_props.manage_changeProperties(additional_keywords=additionalKeywords) seo_props.manage_changeProperties(default_custom_metatags=default_custom_metatags) seo_props.manage_changeProperties(metatags_order=metatags_order) for ptype in self.portal_types.objectValues(): acts = filter(lambda x: == 'seo_properties', ptype.listActions()) action = acts and acts[0] or None if ptype.getId() in portalTypes: if action is None: ptype.addAction('seo_properties', 'SEO Properties', 'string:${object_url}/@@seo-context-properties', '', 'Modify portal content', 'object', visible=1) else: if action !=None: actions = list(ptype.listActions()) ptype.deleteActions([actions.index(a) for a in actions if a.getId()=='seo_properties']) context.plone_utils.addPortalMessage(pmf(u'Changes saved.')) return request.response.redirect('%s/%s'%(self.context.absolute_url(), 'plone_control_panel')) else: return self.template(portalTypes=portalTypes, exposeDCMetaTags=exposeDCMetaTags) def typeInfo( self, type_name ): """ """ return self.portal_types.getTypeInfo( type_name ) class SEOContextPropertiesView( BrowserView ): """ """ template = ViewPageTemplateFile('templates/') def test( self, condition, first, second ): """ """ return condition and first or second def getMainDomain(self, url): url = url.split('//')[-1] dompath = url.split(':')[0] dom = dompath.split('/')[0] return '.'.join(dom.split('.')[-2:]) def validateSEOProperty(self, property, value): purl = getToolByName(self.context, 'portal_url')() state = '' if property == PROP_PREFIX+'canonical': pdomain = self.getMainDomain(purl) if not pdomain == self.getMainDomain(value): state = _('canonical_msg', default=u'Canonical URL mast be in ${pdomain} domain.', mapping={'pdomain': pdomain}) return state def setProperty(self, property, value, type='string'): context = aq_inner(self.context) state = self.validateSEOProperty(property, value) if not state: if context.hasProperty(property): context.manage_changeProperties({property: value}) else: context.manage_addProperty(property, value, type) return state def manageSEOProps(self, **kw): context = aq_inner(self.context) state = '' delete_list, seo_overrides_keys, seo_keys = [], [], [] seo_items = dict([(k[len(SEO_PREFIX):],v) for k,v in kw.items() if k.startswith(SEO_PREFIX)]) for key in seo_items.keys(): if key.endswith(SUFFIX): seo_overrides_keys.append(key[:-len(SUFFIX)]) else: seo_keys.append(key) for seo_key in seo_keys: if seo_key == 'custommetatags': self.manageSEOCustomMetaTagsProperties(**kw) else: if seo_key in seo_overrides_keys and seo_items.get(seo_key+SUFFIX): seo_value = seo_items[seo_key] t_value = 'string' if type(seo_value)==type([]) or type(seo_value)==type(()): t_value = 'lines' state = self.setProperty(PROP_PREFIX+seo_key, seo_value, type=t_value) if state: return state elif context.hasProperty(PROP_PREFIX+seo_key): delete_list.append(PROP_PREFIX+seo_key) if delete_list: context.manage_delProperties(delete_list) return state def setSEOCustomMetaTags(self, custommetatags): context = aq_inner(self.context) for tag in custommetatags: self.setProperty('%s%s' % (PROP_CUSTOM_PREFIX, tag['meta_name']), tag['meta_content']) def delAllSEOCustomMetaTagsProperties(self): context = aq_inner(self.context) delete_list = [] for property, value in context.propertyItems(): if property.startswith(PROP_CUSTOM_PREFIX) and not property == PROP_CUSTOM_PREFIX: delete_list.append(property) if delete_list: context.manage_delProperties(delete_list) def updateSEOCustomMetaTagsProperties(self, custommetatags): context = aq_inner(self.context) site_properties = getToolByName(context, 'portal_properties') globalCustomMetaTags = [] if hasattr(site_properties, 'seo_properties'): custom_meta_tags = getattr(site_properties.seo_properties, 'default_custom_metatags', []) for tag in custom_meta_tags: name_value = tag.split(SEPERATOR) if name_value[0]: globalCustomMetaTags.append({'meta_name' : name_value[0], 'meta_content' : len(name_value) == 1 and '' or name_value[1]}) for tag in custommetatags: meta_name, meta_content = tag['meta_name'], tag['meta_content'] if meta_name: if not [gmt for gmt in globalCustomMetaTags if (gmt['meta_name']==meta_name and gmt['meta_content']==meta_content)]: self.setProperty('%s%s' % (PROP_CUSTOM_PREFIX, meta_name), meta_content) def manageSEOCustomMetaTagsProperties(self, **kw): context = aq_inner(self.context) self.delAllSEOCustomMetaTagsProperties() if kw.get('seo_custommetatags_override'): custommetatags = kw.get('seo_custommetatags', {}) self.updateSEOCustomMetaTagsProperties(custommetatags) def __call__( self ): """ """ context = aq_inner(self.context) request = self.request form = self.request.form submitted = form.get('form.submitted', False) if submitted: state = self.manageSEOProps(**form) if not state: state = _('seoproperties_saved', default=u'Content SEO properties have been saved.') context.plone_utils.addPortalMessage(state) kwargs = {'modification_date' : DateTime()} context.plone_utils.contentEdit(context, **kwargs) return request.response.redirect(self.context.absolute_url()) context.plone_utils.addPortalMessage(state, 'error') return self.template()