from sets import Set from Acquisition import aq_inner from zope.component import queryAdapter from import ControlPanelView from Products.Five.browser import BrowserView from Products.CMFCore.utils import getToolByName from Products.Five.browser.pagetemplatefile import ViewPageTemplateFile from quintagroup.seoptimizer import SeoptimizerMessageFactory as _ SEPERATOR = '|' HAS_CANONICAL_PATH = True SEO_PREFIX = 'seo_' PROP_PREFIX = 'qSEO_' SUFFIX = '_override' PROP_CUSTOM_PREFIX = 'qSEO_custom_' try: from quintagroup.canonicalpath.interfaces import ICanonicalPath except ImportError: HAS_CANONICAL_PATH = False class SEOContext( BrowserView ): """ """ def getSEOProperty( self, property_name, accessor='' ): """ """ context = aq_inner(self.context) if context.hasProperty(property_name): return context.getProperty(property_name) if accessor: method = getattr(context, accessor, None) if not callable(method): return None # Catch AttributeErrors raised by some AT applications try: value = method() except AttributeError: value = None return value def seo_title( self ): """ """ return self.getSEOProperty( 'qSEO_title', accessor='Title' ) def seo_robots( self ): """ """ robots = self.getSEOProperty( 'qSEO_robots' ) return robots and robots or 'ALL' def seo_description( self ): """ Generate Description from SEO properties """ return self.getSEOProperty( 'qSEO_description', accessor = 'Description') def seo_distribution( self ): """ Generate Description from SEO properties """ dist = self.getSEOProperty( 'qSEO_distribution' ) return dist and dist or 'Global' def seo_customMetaTags( self ): """ """ tags = self.seo_globalCustomMetaTags() loc = self.seo_localCustomMetaTags() names = [i['meta_name'] for i in tags] add_tags = [] for i in loc: if i['meta_name'] in names: for t in tags: if t['meta_name'] == i['meta_name']: t['meta_content'] = i['meta_content'] else: add_tags.append(i) tags.extend(add_tags) return tags def seo_globalWithoutLocalCustomMetaTags( self ): """ """ glob = self.seo_globalCustomMetaTags() loc = self.seo_localCustomMetaTags() names = [i['meta_name'] for i in loc] tags = [] for i in glob: if i['meta_name'] not in names: tags.append(i) return tags def seo_localCustomMetaTags( self ): """ """ result = [] property_prefix = 'qSEO_custom_' context = aq_inner(self.context) for property, value in context.propertyItems(): if property.startswith(property_prefix) and property[len(property_prefix):]: result.append({'meta_name' : property[len(property_prefix):], 'meta_content' : value}) return result def seo_globalCustomMetaTags( self ): """ """ result = [] context = aq_inner(self.context) site_properties = getToolByName(context, 'portal_properties') if hasattr(site_properties, 'seo_properties'): custom_meta_tags = getattr(site_properties.seo_properties, 'default_custom_metatags', []) for tag in custom_meta_tags: name_value = tag.split(SEPERATOR) if name_value[0]: result.append({'meta_name' : name_value[0], 'meta_content' : len(name_value) == 2 and name_value[1] or ''}) return result def seo_nonEmptylocalMetaTags( self ): """ """ return bool(self.seo_localCustomMetaTags()) def seo_html_comment( self ): """ """ html_comment = self.getSEOProperty( 'qSEO_html_comment' ) return html_comment and html_comment or '' def seo_keywords( self ): """ Generate Keywords from SEO properties """ prop_name = 'qSEO_keywords' add_keywords = 'additional_keywords' accessor = 'Subject' context = aq_inner(self.context) keywords = Set([]) if context.hasProperty(prop_name): keywords = Set(context.getProperty(prop_name)) pprops = getToolByName(context, 'portal_properties') sheet = getattr(pprops, 'seo_properties', None) if sheet and sheet.hasProperty(add_keywords): keywords = keywords | Set(sheet.getProperty(add_keywords)) if keywords: return keywords method = getattr(context, accessor, None) if not callable(method): return None # Catch AttributeErrors raised by some AT applications try: value = method() except AttributeError: value = None return value def seo_canonical( self ): """ Get canonical URL """ canonical = self.getSEOProperty( 'qSEO_canonical' ) if not canonical and HAS_CANONICAL_PATH: canpath = queryAdapter(self.context, ICanonicalPath) if canpath: purl = getToolByName(self.context, 'portal_url')() cpath = canpath.canonical_path() canonical = purl + cpath return canonical and canonical or self.context.absolute_url() class SEOControlPanel( ControlPanelView ): """ """ template = ViewPageTemplateFile('templates/') @property def portal_properties( self ): """ """ context = aq_inner(self.context) return getToolByName(context, 'portal_properties') @property def portal_types( self ): """ """ context = aq_inner(self.context) return getToolByName(context, 'portal_types') def hasSEOAction( self, type_info ): """ """ return filter(lambda == 'seo_properties', type_info.listActions()) def test( self, condition, first, second ): """ """ return condition and first or second def getExposeDCMetaTags( self ): """ """ sp = self.portal_properties.site_properties return sp.getProperty('exposeDCMetaTags') def getDefaultCustomMetatags( self ): """ """ seo = self.portal_properties.seo_properties return seo.getProperty('default_custom_metatags') def getMetaTagsOrder( self ): """ """ seo = self.portal_properties.seo_properties return seo.getProperty('metatags_order') def getAdditionalKeywords( self ): """ """ seo = self.portal_properties.seo_properties return seo.getProperty('additional_keywords') def createMultiColumnList( self ): """ """ context = aq_inner(self.context) allTypes = self.portal_types.listContentTypes() try: return context.createMultiColumnList(allTypes, sort_on='title_or_id') except AttributeError: return [slist] def __call__( self ): """ """ context = aq_inner(self.context) request = self.request portalTypes=request.get( 'portalTypes', [] ) exposeDCMetaTags=request.get( 'exposeDCMetaTags', None ) additionalKeywords=request.get('additionalKeywords', []) default_custom_metatags=request.get('default_custom_metatags', []) metatags_order=request.get('metatags_order', []) site_props = getToolByName(self.portal_properties, 'site_properties') seo_props = getToolByName(self.portal_properties, 'seo_properties') form = self.request.form submitted = form.get('form.submitted', False) if submitted: site_props.manage_changeProperties(exposeDCMetaTags=exposeDCMetaTags) seo_props.manage_changeProperties(additional_keywords=additionalKeywords) seo_props.manage_changeProperties(default_custom_metatags=default_custom_metatags) seo_props.manage_changeProperties(metatags_order=metatags_order) for ptype in self.portal_types.objectValues(): acts = filter(lambda x: == 'seo_properties', ptype.listActions()) action = acts and acts[0] or None if ptype.getId() in portalTypes: if action is None: ptype.addAction('seo_properties', 'SEO Properties', 'string:${object_url}/@@seo-context-properties', '', 'Modify portal content', 'object', visible=1) else: if action !=None: actions = list(ptype.listActions()) ptype.deleteActions([actions.index(a) for a in actions if a.getId()=='seo_properties']) return request.response.redirect('%s/%s'%(self.context.absolute_url(), '@@seo-controlpanel')) else: return self.template(portalTypes=portalTypes, exposeDCMetaTags=exposeDCMetaTags) def typeInfo( self, type_name ): """ """ return self.portal_types.getTypeInfo( type_name ) class SEOContextPropertiesView( BrowserView ): """ """ template = ViewPageTemplateFile('templates/') def test( self, condition, first, second ): """ """ return condition and first or second def getMainDomain(self, url): url = url.split('//')[-1] dompath = url.split(':')[0] dom = dompath.split('/')[0] return '.'.join(dom.split('.')[-2:]) def validateSEOProperty(self, property, value): purl = getToolByName(self.context, 'portal_url')() state = '' if property == PROP_PREFIX+'canonical': pdomain = self.getMainDomain(purl) if not pdomain == self.getMainDomain(value): state = _('canonical_msg', default=u'Canonical URL mast be in ${pdomain} domain.', mapping={'pdomain': pdomain}) return state def setProperty(self, property, value, type='string'): context = aq_inner(self.context) state = self.validateSEOProperty(property, value) if not state: if context.hasProperty(property): context.manage_changeProperties({property: value}) else: context.manage_addProperty(property, value, type) return state def manageSEOProps(self, **kw): context = aq_inner(self.context) state = '' delete_list, seo_overrides_keys, seo_keys = [], [], [] seo_items = dict([(k[len(SEO_PREFIX):],v) for k,v in kw.items() if k.startswith(SEO_PREFIX)]) for key in seo_items.keys(): if key.endswith(SUFFIX): seo_overrides_keys.append(key[:-len(SUFFIX)]) else: seo_keys.append(key) for seo_key in seo_keys: if seo_key == 'custommetatags': self.manageSEOCustomMetaTagsProperties(**kw) else: if seo_key in seo_overrides_keys and seo_items.get(seo_key+SUFFIX): seo_value = seo_items[seo_key] t_value = 'string' if type(seo_value)==type([]) or type(seo_value)==type(()): t_value = 'lines' state = self.setProperty(PROP_PREFIX+seo_key, seo_value, type=t_value) if state: return state elif context.hasProperty(PROP_PREFIX+seo_key): delete_list.append(PROP_PREFIX+seo_key) if delete_list: context.manage_delProperties(delete_list) return state def setSEOCustomMetaTags(self, custommetatags): context = aq_inner(self.context) for tag in custommetatags: self.setProperty('%s%s' % (PROP_CUSTOM_PREFIX, tag['meta_name']), tag['meta_content']) def delAllSEOCustomMetaTagsProperties(self): context = aq_inner(self.context) delete_list = [] for property, value in context.propertyItems(): if property.startswith(PROP_CUSTOM_PREFIX) and not property == PROP_CUSTOM_PREFIX: delete_list.append(property) if delete_list: context.manage_delProperties(delete_list) def updateSEOCustomMetaTagsProperties(self, custommetatags): context = aq_inner(self.context) site_properties = getToolByName(context, 'portal_properties') globalCustomMetaTags = [] if hasattr(site_properties, 'seo_properties'): custom_meta_tags = getattr(site_properties.seo_properties, 'default_custom_metatags', []) for tag in custom_meta_tags: name_value = tag.split(SEPERATOR) if name_value[0]: globalCustomMetaTags.append({'meta_name' : name_value[0], 'meta_content' : len(name_value) == 1 and '' or name_value[1]}) for tag in custommetatags: meta_name, meta_content = tag['meta_name'], tag['meta_content'] if meta_name: if not [gmt for gmt in globalCustomMetaTags if (gmt['meta_name']==meta_name and gmt['meta_content']==meta_content)]: self.setProperty('%s%s' % (PROP_CUSTOM_PREFIX, meta_name), meta_content) def manageSEOCustomMetaTagsProperties(self, **kw): context = aq_inner(self.context) self.delAllSEOCustomMetaTagsProperties() if kw.get('seo_custommetatags_override'): custommetatags = kw.get('seo_custommetatags', {}) self.updateSEOCustomMetaTagsProperties(custommetatags) def __call__( self ): """ """ context = aq_inner(self.context) request = self.request form = self.request.form submitted = form.get('form.submitted', False) if submitted: state = self.manageSEOProps(**form) if not state: state = _('seoproperties_saved', default=u'Content SEO properties have been saved.') context.plone_utils.addPortalMessage(state) return request.response.redirect(self.context.absolute_url()) context.plone_utils.addPortalMessage(state, 'error') return self.template()