import urllib, re from cStringIO import StringIO from base import getToolByName, FunctionalTestCase, newSecurityManager from config import * class TestResponse(FunctionalTestCase): def afterSetUp(self): self.sp = self.portal.portal_properties.seo_properties self.pu = self.portal.plone_utils self.basic_auth = 'portal_manager:secret' uf = uf.userFolderAddUser('portal_manager', 'secret', ['Manager'], []) user = uf.getUserById('portal_manager') if not hasattr(user, 'aq_base'): user = user.__of__(uf) newSecurityManager(None, user) '''Preparation for functional testing''' my_doc = self.portal.invokeFactory('Document', id='my_doc') my_doc = self.portal['my_doc'] self.canonurl = 'http://nohost/plone/test.html' self.sp.manage_changeProperties(**GLOBAL_CUSTOM_METATAGS) self.sp.manage_changeProperties(settings_use_keywords_sg=3, settings_use_keywords_lg=2) abs_path = "/%s" % my_doc.absolute_url(1) self.form_data = {'seo_description': 'it is description, test keyword1', 'seo_keywords_override:int': 1, 'seo_custommetatags_override:int': 1, 'seo_robots_override:int': 1, 'seo_robots': 'ALL', 'seo_description_override:int': 1, 'seo_canonical_override:int': 1, 'seo_keywords:list': 'keyword1', 'seo_html_comment': 'no comments', 'seo_title_override:int': 1, 'seo_title': 'hello world', 'seo_html_comment_override:int': 1, 'seo_distribution_override:int': 1, 'seo_distribution': 'Global', 'seo_canonical': self.canonurl, 'form.submitted:int': 1} st = '' for d in CUSTOM_METATAGS: st += '&seo_custommetatags.meta_name:records=%s&seo_custommetatags.meta_content:records=%s' % (d['meta_name'],d['meta_content']) self.publish(path=abs_path+'/@@seo-context-properties', basic=self.basic_auth, request_method='POST', stdin=StringIO(urllib.urlencode(self.form_data)+st)) #self.publish(abs_path+'/@@seo-context-properties?%s' % urllib.urlencode(self.form_data), self.basic_auth) wf_tool = self.portal.portal_workflow wf_tool.doActionFor(my_doc, 'publish') self.abs_path = abs_path self.my_doc = my_doc self.html = self.publish(abs_path, self.basic_auth).getBody() # now setup page with title equal to plone site's title my_doc2 = self.portal.invokeFactory('Document', id='my_doc2') my_doc2 = self.portal['my_doc2'] my_doc2.update(title=self.portal.Title()) wf_tool.doActionFor(my_doc2, 'publish') abs_path2 = "/%s" % my_doc2.absolute_url(1) self.html2 = self.publish(abs_path2, self.basic_auth).getBody() def testTitle(self): m = re.match('.*\\s*hello world\\s*', self.html, re.S|re.M) self.assert_(m, 'Title not set in') def testTitleDuplication(self): """If we are not overriding page title and current page title equals title of the plone site then there should be no concatenation of both titles. Only one should be displayed. """ m = re.match('.*\\s*%s\\s*' % self.portal.Title(), self.html2, re.S|re.M) self.assert_(m, 'Title is not set correctly, perhaps it is duplicated with plone site title') def testDescription(self): m = re.match('.*()', self.html, re.S|re.M) self.assert_(m, 'Description not set in') def testKeywords(self): m = re.match('.*()', self.html, re.S|re.M) self.assert_(m, 'Keywords not set in') def testRobots(self): m = re.match('.*()', self.html, re.S|re.M) self.assert_(m, 'Robots not set in') def testDistribution(self): m = re.match('.*()', self.html, re.S|re.M) self.assert_(m, 'Distribution not set in') def testHTMLComments(self): m = re.match('.*', self.html, re.S|re.M) self.assert_(m, 'Comments not set in') def testTagsOrder(self): metatags_order = [t for t in self.sp.getProperty('metatags_order') if t in VIEW_METATAGS] m ='.*'.join(['' %t for t in metatags_order]), self.html, re.S|re.M) self.assert_(m, "Meta tags order not supported.") metatags_order.reverse() m ='.*'.join(['' %t for t in metatags_order]), self.html, re.S|re.M) self.assertFalse(m, "Meta tags order not supported.") self.sp.manage_changeProperties(**{'metatags_order':metatags_order}) html = self.publish(self.abs_path, self.basic_auth).getBody() m ='.*'.join(['' %t for t in metatags_order]), self.html, re.S|re.M) self.assertFalse(m, "Meta tags order not supported.") m ='.*'.join(['' %t for t in metatags_order]), html, re.S|re.M) self.assert_(m, "Meta tags order not supported.") def testCustomMetaTags(self): for tag in CUSTOM_METATAGS: m = re.match('.*()' % tag, self.html, re.S|re.M) if tag['meta_content']: self.assert_(m, "Custom meta tag %s not applied." % tag['meta_name']) else: self.assert_(not m, "Meta tag %s has no content, but is present in the page." % tag['meta_name']) m = re.match('.*()', self.html, re.S|re.M) self.assert_(m, "Global custom meta tag %s not applied." % 'metatag4') def testDeleteCustomMetaTags(self): self.sp.manage_changeProperties(**{'default_custom_metatags':'metatag1|global_metatag1value'}) my_doc = self.my_doc self.form_data = {'seo_custommetatags': CUSTOM_METATAGS, 'seo_custommetatags_override:int': 0, 'form.submitted:int': 1} self.publish(path=self.abs_path+'/@@seo-context-properties', basic=self.basic_auth, request_method='POST', stdin=StringIO(urllib.urlencode(self.form_data))) self.html = self.publish(self.abs_path, self.basic_auth).getBody() m = re.match('.*()', self.html, re.S|re.M) self.assert_(not m, "Global custom meta tag %s is prosent in the page." % 'metatag4') m = re.match('.*()', self.html, re.S|re.M) self.assert_(m, "Global custom meta tag %s not applied." % 'metatag1') def testCanonical(self): m = re.match('.*' % self.canonurl, self.html, re.S|re.M) self.assert_(m, self.canonurl) def testDefaultCanonical(self): """Default canonical url mast add document absolute_url """ # Delete custom canonical url my_doc = self.portal['my_doc'] my_doc._delProperty(id='qSEO_canonical') # Get document without customized canonical url abs_path = "/%s" % my_doc.absolute_url(1) self.html = self.publish(abs_path, self.basic_auth).getBody() my_url = my_doc.absolute_url() m = re.match('.*' % my_url, self.html, re.S|re.M) self.assert_(m, my_url) def test_suite(): from unittest import TestSuite, makeSuite suite = TestSuite() suite.addTest(makeSuite(TestResponse)) return suite