from time import time from DateTime import DateTime from Acquisition import aq_inner from zope.component import queryAdapter from zope.component import queryMultiAdapter from zope.schema.interfaces import InvalidValue from plone.memoize import view, ram from Products.Five.browser import BrowserView from Products.Five.browser.pagetemplatefile import ViewPageTemplateFile from Products.CMFPlone.utils import getSiteEncoding from quintagroup.canonicalpath.interfaces import ICanonicalLink from quintagroup.canonicalpath.adapters import PROPERTY_LINK as CANONICAL_PROPERTY from quintagroup.seoptimizer.browser.seo_configlet import ISEOConfigletSchema from quintagroup.seoptimizer import SeoptimizerMessageFactory as _ SEPERATOR = '|' SEO_PREFIX = 'seo_' PROP_PREFIX = 'qSEO_' SUFFIX = '_override' PROP_CUSTOM_PREFIX = 'qSEO_custom_' # Ram cache function, which depends on plone instance and time def plone_instance_time(method, self, *args, **kwargs): return (self.pps.portal(), time() // (60 * 60)) class SEOContext( BrowserView ): """ This class contains methods that allows to edit html header meta tags. """ def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super(SEOContext, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) self.pps = queryMultiAdapter((self.context, self.request), name="plone_portal_state") self.pcs = queryMultiAdapter((self.context, self.request), name="plone_context_state") self.gseo = queryAdapter(self.pps.portal(), ISEOConfigletSchema) self._seotags = self._getSEOTags() def __getitem__(self, key): return self._seotags.get(key, '') @view.memoize def _getSEOTags(self): seotags = { "seo_title": self.getSEOProperty( 'qSEO_title', default=self.pcs.object_title() ), "seo_robots": self.getSEOProperty( 'qSEO_robots', default='ALL'), "seo_description": self.getSEOProperty( 'qSEO_description', accessor='Description' ), "seo_distribution": self.getSEOProperty( 'qSEO_distribution', default="Global"), "seo_customMetaTags": self.seo_customMetaTags(), # "seo_localCustomMetaTags": self.seo_localCustomMetaTags(), # "seo_globalCustomMetaTags": self.seo_globalCustomMetaTags(), "seo_html_comment": self.getSEOProperty( 'qSEO_html_comment', default='' ), "meta_keywords": self.getSEOProperty('qSEO_keywords', 'Subject', ()), "seo_keywords": self.getSEOProperty('qSEO_keywords', default=()), "seo_canonical": ICanonicalLink(self.context).canonical_link, # Add test properties "has_seo_title": self.context.hasProperty('qSEO_title'), "has_seo_robots": self.context.hasProperty('qSEO_robots'), "has_seo_description": self.context.hasProperty( 'qSEO_description'), "has_seo_distribution": self.context.hasProperty( 'qSEO_distribution'), "has_html_comment": self.context.hasProperty('qSEO_html_comment'), "has_seo_keywords": self.context.hasProperty('qSEO_keywords'), "has_seo_canonical": self.context.hasProperty(CANONICAL_PROPERTY), } #seotags["seo_nonEmptylocalMetaTags"] = bool(seotags["seo_localCustomMetaTags"]) return seotags def getSEOProperty( self, property_name, accessor='', default=None ): """ Get value from seo property by property name. """ context = aq_inner(self.context) if context.hasProperty(property_name): return context.getProperty(property_name, default) if accessor: method = getattr(context, accessor, default) if not callable(method): return default # Catch AttributeErrors raised by some AT applications try: value = method() except AttributeError: value = default return value return default def seo_customMetaTags( self ): """Returned seo custom metatags from default_custom_metatags property in seo_properties (global seo custom metatags) with update from seo custom metatags properties in context (local seo custom metatags). """ glob, loc = self.seo_globalCustomMetaTags(), self.seo_localCustomMetaTags() gnames = set(map(lambda x: x['meta_name'], glob)) lnames = set(map(lambda x: x['meta_name'], loc)) # Get untouch global, override global in custom and new custom meta tags untouchglob = [t for t in glob if t['meta_name'] in list(gnames - lnames)] return untouchglob + loc def seo_globalWithoutLocalCustomMetaTags( self ): """Returned seo custom metatags from default_custom_metatags property in seo_properties (global seo custom metatags) without seo custom metatags from properties in context (local seo custom metatags). """ glob, loc = self.seo_globalCustomMetaTags(), self.seo_localCustomMetaTags() gnames = set(map(lambda x: x['meta_name'], glob)) lnames = set(map(lambda x: x['meta_name'], loc)) return [t for t in glob if t['meta_name'] in list(gnames - lnames)] def seo_localCustomMetaTags( self ): """ Returned seo custom metatags from properties in context (local seo custom metatags). """ result = [] property_prefix = 'qSEO_custom_' context = aq_inner(self.context) for property, value in context.propertyItems(): if property.startswith(property_prefix) and property[len(property_prefix):]: result.append({'meta_name' : property[len(property_prefix):], 'meta_content' : value}) return result @ram.cache(plone_instance_time) def seo_globalCustomMetaTags( self ): """ Returned seo custom metatags from default_custom_metatags property in seo_properties. """ result = [] if self.gseo: for tag in self.gseo.default_custom_metatags: name_value = tag.split(SEPERATOR) if name_value[0]: result.append({'meta_name' : name_value[0], 'meta_content' : len(name_value) == 2 and name_value[1] or ''}) return result class SEOContextPropertiesView( BrowserView ): """ This class contains methods that allows to manage seo properties. """ template = ViewPageTemplateFile('templates/') def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super(SEOContextPropertiesView, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) self.pps = queryMultiAdapter((self.context, self.request), name="plone_portal_state") self.gseo = queryAdapter(self.pps.portal(), ISEOConfigletSchema) def test( self, condition, first, second ): """ """ return condition and first or second def validateSEOProperty(self, property, value): """ Validate a seo property. """ return '' def setProperty(self, property, value, type='string'): """ Add a new property. Sets a new property with the given id, value and type or changes it. """ context = aq_inner(self.context) state = self.validateSEOProperty(property, value) if not state: if context.hasProperty(property): context.manage_changeProperties({property: value}) else: context.manage_addProperty(property, value, type) return state def manageSEOProps(self, **kw): """ Manage seo properties. """ context = aq_inner(self.context) state = '' delete_list, seo_overrides_keys, seo_keys = [], [], [] seo_items = dict([(k[len(SEO_PREFIX):],v) for k,v in kw.items() if k.startswith(SEO_PREFIX)]) for key in seo_items.keys(): if key.endswith(SUFFIX): seo_overrides_keys.append(key[:-len(SUFFIX)]) else: seo_keys.append(key) for seo_key in seo_keys: if seo_key == 'custommetatags': self.manageSEOCustomMetaTagsProperties(**kw) else: if seo_key in seo_overrides_keys and seo_items.get(seo_key+SUFFIX): seo_value = seo_items[seo_key] if seo_key == 'canonical': try: ICanonicalLink(self.context).canonical_link = seo_value except InvalidValue, e: state = "'%s' - wrong canonical url" % str(e) else: t_value = 'string' if type(seo_value)==type([]) or type(seo_value)==type(()): t_value = 'lines' state = self.setProperty(PROP_PREFIX+seo_key, seo_value, type=t_value) if state: return state elif seo_key == 'canonical': del ICanonicalLink(self.context).canonical_link elif context.hasProperty(PROP_PREFIX+seo_key): delete_list.append(PROP_PREFIX+seo_key) if delete_list: context.manage_delProperties(delete_list) return state def setSEOCustomMetaTags(self, custommetatags): """ Set seo custom metatags properties. """ context = aq_inner(self.context) for tag in custommetatags: self.setProperty('%s%s' % (PROP_CUSTOM_PREFIX, tag['meta_name']), tag['meta_content']) def delAllSEOCustomMetaTagsProperties(self): """ Delete all seo custom metatags properties. """ context = aq_inner(self.context) delete_list = [] for property, value in context.propertyItems(): if property.startswith(PROP_CUSTOM_PREFIX) and not property == PROP_CUSTOM_PREFIX: delete_list.append(property) if delete_list: context.manage_delProperties(delete_list) def updateSEOCustomMetaTagsProperties(self, custommetatags): """ Update seo custom metatags properties. """ globalCustomMetaTags = [] if self.gseo: custom_meta_tags = self.gseo.default_custom_metatags for tag in custom_meta_tags: name_value = tag.split(SEPERATOR) if name_value[0]: globalCustomMetaTags.append( {'meta_name' : name_value[0], 'meta_content' : len(name_value) == 1 and '' or name_value[1]}) for tag in custommetatags: meta_name, meta_content = tag['meta_name'], tag['meta_content'] if meta_name: if not [gmt for gmt in globalCustomMetaTags \ if (gmt['meta_name']==meta_name and gmt['meta_content']==meta_content)]: self.setProperty('%s%s' % (PROP_CUSTOM_PREFIX, meta_name), meta_content) def manageSEOCustomMetaTagsProperties(self, **kw): """ Update seo custom metatags properties, if enabled checkbox override or delete properties. Change object properties by passing either a mapping object of name:value pairs {'foo':6} or passing name=value parameters. """ context = aq_inner(self.context) self.delAllSEOCustomMetaTagsProperties() if kw.get('seo_custommetatags_override'): custommetatags = kw.get('seo_custommetatags', {}) self.updateSEOCustomMetaTagsProperties(custommetatags) def getPropertyStopWords(self): """ Get property 'stop_words' from SEO Properties tool. """ enc = getSiteEncoding(self.context) # self.gseo.stop_words return list of unicode objects, # and may contains stop words in different languages. # So we must return encoded strings. sw = map(lambda x:unicode.encode(x, enc), self.gseo.stop_words) return str(sw) def getPropertyFields(self): """ Get property 'fields' from SEO Properties tool. """ # self.gseo.fields return list of unicode objects, # so *str* use as encoding function from unicode to latin-1 string. fields_id = map(str, self.gseo.fields) return str(fields_id) def __call__( self ): """ Perform the update seo properties and redirect if necessary, or render the page Call method. """ context = aq_inner(self.context) request = self.request form = self.request.form submitted = form.get('form.submitted', False) if submitted: state = self.manageSEOProps(**form) if not state: state = _('seoproperties_saved', default=u'Content SEO properties have been saved.') context.plone_utils.addPortalMessage(state) kwargs = {'modification_date' : DateTime()} context.plone_utils.contentEdit(context, **kwargs) return request.response.redirect(self.context.absolute_url()) context.plone_utils.addPortalMessage(state, 'error') return self.template() class VisibilityCheckerView( BrowserView ): """ This class contains methods that visibility checker. """ def checkVisibilitySEOAction(self): """ Checks visibility 'SEO Properties' action for content """ context = aq_inner(self.context) plone = queryMultiAdapter((self, self.request),name="plone_portal_state").portal() adapter = ISEOConfigletSchema(plone) return bool(self.context.portal_type in adapter.types_seo_enabled)