from cgi import escape from DateTime import DateTime from Acquisition import aq_inner from zope.component import queryAdapter from zope.component import queryMultiAdapter from zope.component import getMultiAdapter from import ViewletBase from Products.CMFPlone.utils import safe_unicode, getSiteEncoding from quintagroup.seoptimizer.util import SortedDict from quintagroup.seoptimizer.interfaces import IMetaKeywords from quintagroup.seoptimizer.interfaces import IMappingMetaTags from quintagroup.seoptimizer.browser.seo_configlet import ISEOConfigletSchema from Products.CMFPlone.PloneTool import * from interfaces import ISEOContext class SEOTagsViewlet( ViewletBase ): """ Simple viewlet for custom title rendering. """ def render(self): TEMPLATE = '' enc = getSiteEncoding(self.context) sfuncd = lambda x, enc=enc:safe_unicode(x, enc) return u'\n'.join([TEMPLATE % tuple(map(sfuncd, (k,v))) \ for k,v in self.listMetaTags().items()]) def listMetaTags(self): """Calculate list metatags""" result = SortedDict() pps = queryMultiAdapter((self.context, self.request), name="plone_portal_state") seo_global = queryAdapter(pps.portal(), ISEOConfigletSchema) seo_context = queryMultiAdapter((self.context, self.request), ISEOContext) use_all = seo_global.exposeDCMetaTags adapter = IMappingMetaTags(self.context, None) mapping_metadata = adapter and adapter.getMappingMetaTags() or SortedDict() if not use_all: metadata_names = mapping_metadata.has_key('DC.description') \ and {'DC.description': mapping_metadata['DC.description']} \ or SortedDict() if mapping_metadata.has_key('description'): metadata_names['description'] = mapping_metadata['description'] else: metadata_names = mapping_metadata for key, accessor in metadata_names.items(): if accessor == 'meta_keywords': # Render all the existing keywords for the current content type adapter = IMetaKeywords(self.context, None) if adapter is not None: keywords = adapter.getMetaKeywords() if keywords: result['keywords'] = keywords continue if seo_context._seotags.has_key(accessor): value = seo_context._seotags.get(accessor, None) else: method = getattr(seo_context, accessor, None) if method is None: method = getattr(aq_inner(self.context).aq_explicit, accessor, None) if not callable(method): continue # Catch AttributeErrors raised by some AT applications try: value = method() except AttributeError: value = None if not value: # No data continue if accessor == 'Publisher' and value == 'No publisher': # No publisher is hardcoded (TODO: still?) continue if isinstance(value, (list, tuple)): # convert a list to a string value = ', '.join(value) # Special cases if accessor == 'Description' and not metadata_names.has_key('description'): result['description'] = value elif accessor == 'Subject' and not metadata_names.has_key('keywords'): result['keywords'] = value if accessor not in ('Description', 'Subject'): result[key] = value if use_all: created = self.context.CreationDate() try: effective = self.context.EffectiveDate() if effective == 'None': effective = None if effective: effective = DateTime(effective) except AttributeError: effective = None try: expires = self.context.ExpirationDate() if expires == 'None': expires = None if expires: expires = DateTime(expires) except AttributeError: expires = None # Filter out DWIMish artifacts on effective / expiration dates if effective is not None and \ effective > FLOOR_DATE and \ effective != created: eff_str = effective.Date() else: eff_str = '' if expires is not None and expires < CEILING_DATE: exp_str = expires.Date() else: exp_str = '' if exp_str or exp_str: result[''] = '%s - %s' % (eff_str, exp_str) # add custom meta tags (added from qseo tab by user) # for given context and default from configlet custom_meta_tags = seo_context and seo_context['seo_customMetaTags'] or [] for tag in custom_meta_tags: if tag['meta_content']: result[tag['meta_name']] = tag['meta_content'] return result class TitleCommentViewlet(ViewletBase): """ Simple viewlet for custom title rendering. """ def update(self): self.portal_state = getMultiAdapter((self.context, self.request), name=u'plone_portal_state') self.context_state = getMultiAdapter((self.context, self.request), name=u'plone_context_state') self.seo_context = getMultiAdapter((self.context, self.request), ISEOContext) self.override_title = self.seo_context['has_seo_title'] self.override_comments = self.seo_context['has_html_comment'] def std_title(self): page_title = safe_unicode(self.context_state.object_title()) portal_title = safe_unicode(self.portal_state.portal_title()) if page_title == portal_title: return u"%s" % (escape(portal_title)) else: return u"%s — %s" % ( escape(safe_unicode(page_title)), escape(safe_unicode(portal_title))) def render(self): if not self.override_title: std_title = self.std_title() if not self.override_comments: return std_title else: qseo_comments = u"" % safe_unicode( self.seo_context["seo_html_comment"]) return u"%s\n%s"%(std_title, qseo_comments) else: qseo_title = u"%s" % safe_unicode( self.seo_context["seo_title"]) if not self.override_comments: return qseo_title else: qseo_comments = u"" % safe_unicode( self.seo_context["seo_html_comment"]) return u"%s\n%s"%(qseo_title, qseo_comments) class CustomScriptViewlet( ViewletBase ): """ Simple viewlet for custom script rendering. """ def getCustomScript( self ): pps = queryMultiAdapter((self.context, self.request), name="plone_portal_state") gseo = queryAdapter(pps.portal(), ISEOConfigletSchema) if gseo: return gseo.custom_script return '' def render( self ): return safe_unicode("""%s"""% self.getCustomScript()) class CanonicalUrlViewlet( ViewletBase ): """ Simple viewlet for canonical url link rendering. """ def render( self ): seoc = getMultiAdapter((self.context, self.request), ISEOContext) if seoc['seo_canonical']: return """""" % seoc['seo_canonical'] return ""