from zope.interface import implements from plone.portlets.interfaces import IPortletDataProvider from import base from plone.portlet.static import static from import WYSIWYGWidget from zope import schema from zope.formlib import form from Products.Five.browser.pagetemplatefile import ViewPageTemplateFile from Products.CMFCore.utils import getToolByName from Acquisition import aq_inner from quintagroup.portlet.static.utils import getVocabulary from quintagroup.portlet.static import StaticStylishPortletMessageFactory as _ class IStaticStylishPortlet(static.IStaticPortlet): """A portlet It inherits from IPortletDataProvider because for this portlet, the data that is being rendered and the portlet assignment itself are the same. """ roles_excluded = schema.Tuple( title=_(u"Roles excluded"), description=_(u"Select excluded user roles."), value_type=schema.Choice( vocabulary="quintagroup.portlet.static.vocabularies.GlobalRoles" ), required=False, ) roles_required = schema.Tuple( title=_(u"Roles required"), description=_(u"Select required user roles."), value_type=schema.Choice( vocabulary="quintagroup.portlet.static.vocabularies.GlobalRoles" ), required=False, ) styling = schema.Choice(title=_(u"Portlet style"), description=_(u"Choose a css style for the porlet. " "You can manage these entries from the plone control panel."), required=False, default='', vocabulary='quintagroup.portlet.static.vocabularies.PortletCSSVocabulary',) class Assignment(static.Assignment): """Portlet assignment. This is what is actually managed through the portlets UI and associated with columns. """ implements(IStaticStylishPortlet) styling = '' roles_excluded = () roles_required = () def __init__(self, header=u"", text=u"", omit_border=False, footer=u"", more_url='', hide=False, styling='', roles_excluded=(), roles_required=()): super(Assignment, self).__init__(header=header, text=text, omit_border=omit_border, footer=footer, more_url=more_url) self.styling = styling self.roles_excluded = roles_excluded self.roles_required = roles_required class Renderer(static.Renderer): """Portlet renderer. This is registered in configure.zcml. The referenced page template is rendered, and the implicit variable 'view' will refer to an instance of this class. Other methods can be added and referenced in the template. """ render = ViewPageTemplateFile('') @property def available(self): if or context = aq_inner(self.context) mtool = getToolByName(context, 'portal_membership') # Determine roles if not mtool.isAnonymousUser(): member = mtool.getAuthenticatedMember() user = member.getUser() roles = user.getRoles() else: roles = () roles = frozenset(roles) # Test excluded roles if roles & set( return False # Test required roles if not set( <= roles: return False return True class AddForm(static.AddForm): """Portlet add form. This is registered in configure.zcml. The form_fields variable tells zope.formlib which fields to display. The create() method actually constructs the assignment that is being added. """ form_fields = form.Fields(IStaticStylishPortlet) form_fields['text'].custom_widget = WYSIWYGWidget label = _(u"title_add_staticstylish_portlet", default=u"Add Static Stylish text portlet") description = _(u"description_staticstylish_portlet", default=u"A portlet which can display static HTML text with different styles.") def create(self, data): return Assignment(**data) class EditForm(static.EditForm): """Portlet edit form. This is registered with configure.zcml. The form_fields variable tells zope.formlib which fields to display. """ form_fields = form.Fields(IStaticStylishPortlet) form_fields['text'].custom_widget = WYSIWYGWidget label = _(u"title_edit_staticstylish_portlet", default=u"Edit Static Stylish text portlet") description = _(u"description_staticstylish_portlet", default=u"A portlet which can display static HTML text with different styles.")