import urllib from zope.interface import implements from zope.component import getMultiAdapter from zope.component import getAdapter from plone.portlets.interfaces import IPortletDataProvider from import base from zope import schema from zope.formlib import form from Products.Five.browser.pagetemplatefile import ViewPageTemplateFile from quintagroup.portlet.cumulus import CumulusPortletMessageFactory as _ from quintagroup.portlet.cumulus.interfaces import ITagsRetriever class ICumulusPortlet(IPortletDataProvider): """ A cumulus tag cloud portlet. """ # options for generating tag width = schema.Int( title=_(u'Width of the Flash tag cloud'), description=_(u'Width in pixels (500 or more is recommended).'), required=True, default=550) height = schema.Int( title=_(u'Height of the Flash tag cloud'), description=_(u'Height in pixels (ideally around 3/4 of the width).'), required=True, default=375) tcolor = schema.TextLine( title=_(u'Color of the tags'), description=_(u'This and next 3 fields should be 6 character hex color values without the # prefix (000000 for black, ffffff for white).'), required=True, default=u'ffffff') tcolor2 = schema.TextLine( title=_(u'Optional second color for gradient'), description=_(u'When this color is available, each tag\'s color will be from a gradient between the two. This allows you to create a multi-colored tag cloud.'), required=False, default=u'ffffff') hicolor = schema.TextLine( title=_(u'Optional highlight color'), description=_(u'Color of the tag when mouse is over it.'), required=False, default=u'ffffff') bgcolor = schema.TextLine( title=_(u'Background color'), description=_(u'The hex value for the background color you\'d like to use. This options has no effect when \'Use transparent mode\' is selected.'), required=True, default=u'333333') trans = schema.Bool( title=_(u'Use transparent mode'), description=_(u'Switches on Flash\'s wmode-transparent setting.'), required=True, default=False) speed = schema.Int( title=_(u'Rotation speed'), description=_(u'Speed of the sphere. Options between 25 and 500 work best.'), required=True, default=100) distr = schema.Bool( title=_(u'Distribute tags evenly on sphere'), description=_(u'When enabled, the movie will attempt to distribute the tags evenly over the surface of the sphere.'), required=True, default=True) compmode = schema.Bool( title=_(u'Use compatibility mode?'), description=_(u'Enabling this option switches the plugin to a different way of embedding Flash into the page. Use this if your page has markup errors or if you\'re having trouble getting tag cloud to display correctly.'), required=True, default=False) # options for generating tag cloud data smallest = schema.Int( title=_(u'Smallest tag size'), description=_(u'The text size of the tag with the smallest count value (units given by unit parameter).'), required=True, default=8) largest = schema.Int( title=_(u'Largest tag size'), description=_(u'The text size of the tag with the highest count value (units given by the unit parameter).'), required=True, default=22) unit = schema.TextLine( title=_(u'Unit of measure'), description=_(u'Unit of measure as pertains to the smallest and largest values. This can be any CSS length value, e.g. pt, px, em, %.'), required=True, default=u'pt') class Assignment(base.Assignment): """Portlet assignment. This is what is actually managed through the portlets UI and associated with columns. """ implements(ICumulusPortlet) width = 550; height = 375; tcolor = u'ffffff' tcolor2 = u'ffffff' hicolor = u'ffffff' bgcolor = u'333333' speed = 100 trans = False distr = True compmode = False smallest = 8 largest = 22 unit = u'pt' def __init__(self, **kw): for k, v in kw.items(): setattr(self, k, v) @property def title(self): """This property is used to give the title of the portlet in the "manage portlets" screen. """ return _("Cumulus portlet") class Renderer(base.Renderer): """Portlet renderer. """ render = ViewPageTemplateFile('') def __init__(self, context, request, view, manager, data): base.Renderer.__init__(self, context, request, view, manager, data) portal_state = getMultiAdapter((context, request), name=u'plone_portal_state') self.portal_url = portal_state.portal_url() def getScript(self): params = { 'url': self.portal_url + '/++resource++tagcloud.swf', 'tagcloud': self.getTagCloud(), 'width':, 'height':, 'tcolor':, 'tcolor2': or, 'hicolor': or, 'bgcolor':, 'speed':, 'trans': and 'so.addParam("wmode", "transparent");' or '', 'distr': and 'true' or 'false', } return """""" % params def getTagCloud(self): tags = '' for tag in self.getTags(): tags += '%s' % \ (tag['url'], tag['number_of_entries'], tag['size'],, tag['name']) tags += '' return urllib.quote(tags) def getTags(self): tags = ITagsRetriever(self.context).getTags() if tags == []: return [] number_of_entries = [i[1] for i in tags] min_number = min(number_of_entries) max_number = max(number_of_entries) distance = float(max_number - min_number) or 1 step = ( - / distance result = [] for name, number, url in tags: size = + step * (number - min_number) result.append({ 'name': name, 'size': size, 'number_of_entries': number, 'url': url }) return result class AddForm(base.AddForm): """Portlet add form. This is registered in configure.zcml. The form_fields variable tells zope.formlib which fields to display. The create() method actually constructs the assignment that is being added. """ form_fields = form.Fields(ICumulusPortlet) def create(self, data): return Assignment(**data) class EditForm(base.EditForm): """Portlet edit form. This is registered with configure.zcml. The form_fields variable tells zope.formlib which fields to display. """ form_fields = form.Fields(ICumulusPortlet)