from zope.interface import implements from plone.portlet.collection import collection as base from zope import schema from zope.formlib import form from Products.Five.browser.pagetemplatefile import ViewPageTemplateFile from zope.schema import ValidationError from import UberSelectionWidget from plone.portlet.collection.collection import ICollectionPortlet from quintagroup.portlet.collection import MessageFactory as _ MIN_BATCH_SIZE, MAX_BATCHSIZE = 1, 30 class NotValidBatchSizeValue(ValidationError): """This is not valid batch size value. """ def validate_batch_size(value): if MIN_BATCH_SIZE <= value <= MAX_BATCHSIZE: return True raise NotValidBatchSizeValue(value) class IQCollectionPortlet(ICollectionPortlet): """A portlet which based on plone.portlet.collection and adds more functionalities. """ item_attributes = schema.List( title=_(u"Attributes to display"), description=_(u"description_attributes", default=u"Select attributes to show for collection " "item."), required=False, default=[u"Title", u"Description"], value_type=schema.Choice(vocabulary='quintagroup.portlet.collection.\ vocabularies.PortletAttributesVocabulary')) styling = schema.Choice( title=_(u"Portlet style"), description=_(u"description_styling", default=u"Choose a css style for the porlet."), required=False, default=u"", vocabulary='quintagroup.portlet.collection.\ vocabularies.PortletCSSVocabulary') show_item_more = schema.Bool( title=_(u"Show more... link for collection items"), description=_(u"If enabled, a more... link will appear in the bottom " "of the each collection item, linking to the " "corresponding item."), required=True, default=True) link_title = schema.Bool( title=_(u"Link title"), description=_(u"If enabled, title will be shown as link to " "corresponding object."), required=True, default=True) allow_batching = schema.Bool( title=_(u"Allow batching"), description=_(u"If enabled, items will be split into pages."), required=False, default=False) batch_size = schema.Int( title=_(u"Batch size"), description=_("Amount of items per page (if not set 3 items will be " "displayed as default)."), required=False, default=3, constraint=validate_batch_size) class Assignment(base.Assignment): """ Portlet assignment. This is what is actually managed through the portlets UI and associated with columns. """ implements(IQCollectionPortlet) item_attributes = [u"Title", u"Description"] styling = u"" show_item_more = False link_title = True def __init__(self, header=u"", target_collection=None, limit=None, random=False, show_more=True, show_dates=False, item_attributes=[], styling=u"", show_item_more=False, link_title=True, allow_batching=False, batch_size=3): super(Assignment, self).__init__(header=header, random=random, target_collection=target_collection, limit=limit, show_more=show_more, show_dates=show_dates) if len(item_attributes) > 0: self.item_attributes = item_attributes self.styling = styling self.show_item_more = show_item_more self.link_title = link_title self.allow_batching = allow_batching self.batch_size = batch_size @property def title(self): """This property is used to give the title of the portlet in the "manage portlets" screen. Here, we use the title that the user gave. """ return self.header class Renderer(base.Renderer): """Portlet renderer. This is registered in configure.zcml. The referenced page template is rendered, and the implicit variable 'view' will refer to an instance of this class. Other methods can be added and referenced in the template. """ render = ViewPageTemplateFile('') navigation = ViewPageTemplateFile('browser/templates/') items_listing = ViewPageTemplateFile('browser/templates/') def showProperty(self, name): return name in def batches(self): items = super(Renderer, self).results() delta = return [items[idx:idx + delta] for idx in range(0, len(items), delta)] def batch_navigation(self): return self.navigation(batches=self.batches()) def render_items(self): if return ''.join([self.items_listing(portlet_items=batch, page_number=str(index)) for index, batch in enumerate(self.batches())]) return self.items_listing(portlet_items=self.results()) class AddForm(base.AddForm): """Portlet add form. This is registered in configure.zcml. The form_fields variable tells zope.formlib which fields to display. The create() method actually constructs the assignment that is being added. """ form_fields = form.Fields(IQCollectionPortlet) form_fields['target_collection'].custom_widget = UberSelectionWidget label = _(u"Add Collection Portlet") description = _( u"This portlet display a listing of items from a Collection.") def create(self, data): return Assignment(**data) class EditForm(base.EditForm): """Portlet edit form. This is registered with configure.zcml. The form_fields variable tells zope.formlib which fields to display. """ form_fields = form.Fields(IQCollectionPortlet) form_fields['target_collection'].custom_widget = UberSelectionWidget label = _(u"Edit Collection Portlet") description = _( u"This portlet display a listing of items from a Collection.")