""" This module dedicated to work with viewlets. """ from Acquisition import aq_inner from plone.app.customerize import registration from zope.publisher.interfaces.browser import IBrowserRequest from zope.viewlet.interfaces import IViewlet # TODO: Methods 'getViewletByName' and 'setupViewletByName' were copied # from https://github.com/collective/collective.developermanual/blob/master/source/views/viewlets.rst#rendering-viewlet-by-name # Better solution would be to use collective.fastview # (http://svn.plone.org/svn/collective/collective.fastview/trunk/) # which has not yet included in plone. def getViewletByName(name): """ Viewlets allow through-the-web customizations. Through-the-web customization magic is managed by five.customerize. We need to think of this when looking up viewlets. @return: Viewlet registration object """ views = registration.getViews(IBrowserRequest) for v in views: if v.provided == IViewlet: # Note that we might have conflicting BrowserView with the same name, # thus we need to check for provided if v.name == name: return v return None def setupViewletByName(view, context, request, name): """ Constructs a viewlet instance by its name. Viewlet update() and render() method are not called. @return: Viewlet instance of None if viewlet with name does not exist """ context = aq_inner(context) # Perform viewlet regisration look-up # from adapters registry reg = getViewletByName(name) if reg is None: return None # factory method is responsible for creating the viewlet instance factory = reg.factory # Create viewlet and put it to the acquisition chain # Viewlet need initialization parameters: context, request, view try: viewlet = factory(context, request, view, None).__of__(context) except TypeError: # Bad constructor call parameters raise RuntimeError("Unable to initialize viewlet %s. Factory method %s call failed." % (name, str(factory))) return viewlet