import unittest import transaction from AccessControl.SecurityManagement import newSecurityManager, \ noSecurityManager from Testing import ZopeTestCase as ztc # BBB: compatibility with older plone versions try: # Plone < 4.3 from import hooks setSite = hooks.setSite setHooks = hooks.setHooks except ImportError: # Plone >= 4.3 from zope.component.hooks import setSite, setHooks from plone.browserlayer.utils import registered_layers from Products.CMFCore.utils import getToolByName from Products.PloneTestCase.layer import PloneSiteLayer from quintagroup.plonetabs.tests.base import PloneTabsTestCase class TestErase(PloneTabsTestCase): # we use here nested layer for not to make an impact on # the rest test cases, this test case check uninstall procedure # thus it has to uninstall package which will be required to # be installed for other test cases class layer(PloneSiteLayer): @classmethod def setUp(cls): app = portal = app.plone # change the active local site manager setHooks() setSite(portal) # elevate permissions user = portal.getWrappedOwner() newSecurityManager(None, user) tool = getToolByName(portal, 'portal_quickinstaller') product_name = 'quintagroup.plonetabs' if tool.isProductInstalled(product_name): tool.uninstallProducts([product_name, ]) # drop elevated perms noSecurityManager() transaction.commit() ztc.close(app) def afterSetUp(self): self.loginAsPortalOwner() def test_actionIcons(self): tool = getToolByName(self.portal, 'portal_actionicons') icon_ids = [i._action_id for i in tool.listActionIcons()] self.failIf('plonetabs' in icon_ids, 'There should be no plonetabs action icon after uninstall.') def test_controlPanel(self): tool = getToolByName(self.portal, 'portal_controlpanel') action_ids = [ for a in tool.listActions()] self.failIf('plonetabs' in action_ids, 'There should be no plonetabs configlet after after uninstall.') def test_cssRegistry(self): tool = getToolByName(self.portal, 'portal_css') css = tool.getResource('++resource++plonetabs.css') self.failUnless(css is None, 'There should be no ++resource++plonetabs.css stylesheets after' ' uninstall.') def test_jsRegistry(self): tool = getToolByName(self.portal, 'portal_javascripts') effects = tool.getResource('++resource++pt_effects.js') self.failUnless(effects is None, 'There should be no ++resource++pt_effects.js script after' ' uninstall.') dad = tool.getResource('++resource++sa_dragdrop.js') self.failUnless(dad is None, 'There should be no ++resource++sa_dragdrop.js script after' ' uninstall.') def test_kssRegistry(self): tool = getToolByName(self.portal, 'portal_kss') kss = tool.getResource('++resource++plonetabs.kss') self.failUnless(kss is None, 'There should be no ++resource++plonetabs.kss sheets after' ' uninstall.') kss = tool.getResource('++resource++plonetabsmode.kss') self.failUnless(kss is None, 'There should be no ++resource++plonetabsmode.kss sheets after' ' uninstall.') def test_propertiesTool(self): tool = getToolByName(self.portal, 'portal_properties') self.failUnless(hasattr(tool, 'tabs_properties'), 'There is no tabs_properties sheet in portal properties tool' ' after uninstall.') titles = tool.tabs_properties.getProperty('titles', None) self.assertEquals(titles, ('portal_tabs|Portal Tabs Configuration', 'portal_footer|Portal Footer Configuration'), 'titles plonetabs property was erased from portal_properties' ' after uninstall.' ) def test_browserLayer(self): layers = [o.__name__ for o in registered_layers()] self.failIf('IPloneTabsProductLayer' in layers, 'There should be no quintagroup.plonetabs layer after uninstall.') def test_suite(): suite = unittest.TestSuite() suite.addTest(unittest.makeSuite(TestErase)) return suite