from zope.interface import implements from kss.demo import KSSSeleniumTestSuite, KSSSeleniumTestDirectory, \ KSSSeleniumTestCase from import LoggedInManagerLayer, IResource # # XXX Important message to developers # # Dear Developer! Do _not_ use the setup you see below as an example # for your own programs, or otherwise you will need to change # it later. The test suite creation interface will change in # the next kss.demo versions. The plugin class (PloneDemos) # will change in the next major KSS (and possibly Plone) version. # This configuration file will be kept up-to-date to these changes. # # It is safe, however, to fix existing tests or drop new # tests in the directories set up below. # class PortalTabsLayer(LoggedInManagerLayer): setup = KSSSeleniumTestCase('install-tabs.html') teardown = KSSSeleniumTestCase('uninstall-tabs.html') class PloneTabsSeleniumKssTests(object): implements(IResource) demos = () selenium_tests = ( KSSSeleniumTestSuite( tests=KSSSeleniumTestDirectory('selenium_tests/' +\ 'run_as_testmanager'), layer=PortalTabsLayer, component='quintagroup.plonetabs', application='quintagroup.plonetabs', ), )