try: from zope.annotation.interfaces import IAnnotations IAnnotations # pyflakes except ImportError: from import IAnnotations from plone.browserlayer.layer import mark_layer from Testing import ZopeTestCase as ztc from Products.Five import zcml from Products.CMFCore.utils import getToolByName from Products.CMFCore.ActionInformation import Action, ActionCategory from Products.PloneTestCase import PloneTestCase as ptc from Products.PloneTestCase.layer import onsetup from import PORTAL_ACTIONS, PORTAL_CONTENT # ztc.installProduct('Zope2Product') @onsetup def setup_package(): import quintagroup.plonetabs zcml.load_config('configure.zcml', quintagroup.plonetabs) # ztc.installPackage('some.other.package') ztc.installPackage('quintagroup.plonetabs') setup_package() if ptc.PLONE30: ptc.setupPloneSite(products=["plone.browserlayer"]) ptc.setupPloneSite(products=['quintagroup.plonetabs']) _marker = object() class PloneTabsTestCase(ptc.PloneTestCase): """Common test base class""" def afterSetUp(self): # due to some reason plone.browserlayer is not marking REQUEST # with installed products layer interfaces # so I'm doing it manually here class DummyEvent(object): def __init__(self, request): self.request = request mark_layer(self.portal, DummyEvent(self.portal.REQUEST)) def purgeCache(self, request): annotations = IAnnotations(request) cache = annotations.get('plone.memoize', _marker) if cache is not _marker: del annotations['plone.memoize'] def purgeActions(self): for obj in self.tool.objectValues(): self.tool._delObject( # if IAction.providedBy(obj): # self.tool._delObject( # elif IActionCategory.providedBy(obj): # obj.manage_delObjects(ids=obj.objectIds()) def setupActions(self, parent, kids=PORTAL_ACTIONS): ids = parent.objectIds() for id, child in kids: if child['type'] == 'action' and id not in ids: parent._setObject(id, Action(id, **child)) continue if child['type'] == 'category': if id not in ids: parent._setObject(id, ActionCategory(id)) if child.get('children', {}): self.setupActions(getattr(parent, id), child['children']) def purgeContent(self): ids = [ for obj in self.portal.listFolderContents()] self.portal.manage_delObjects(ids=ids) def setupContent(self, parent, kids=PORTAL_CONTENT): ids = parent.objectIds() for id, child in kids: if id not in ids: self._createType(parent, child['type'], id, **child) if child.get('children', {}) and id in ids: self.setupContent(getattr(parent, id), child['children']) def _createType(self, container, portal_type, id, **kwargs): """Helper method to create content objects""" ttool = getToolByName(container, 'portal_types') portal_catalog = getToolByName(container, 'portal_catalog') fti = ttool.getTypeInfo(portal_type) fti.constructInstance(container, id, **kwargs) obj = getattr(container.aq_inner.aq_explicit, id) # publish and reindex # self._publish_item(portal, obj) portal_catalog.indexObject(obj) return obj