from zope.interface import Interface, Attribute class IPloneTabsControlPanel(Interface): """Configlet for managing portal_actions, quintagroup.plonetabs""" prefix = Attribute('prefix', 'Prefix to apply on edit forms') sufix = Attribute('sufix', 'Sufix to apply on edit forms') def getPageTitle(category='portal_tabs'): """Return Title for configlet page for given category""" def hasActions(category="portal_tabs"): """Whether there are actions in portal_actions with given category""" def getPortalActions(category="portal_tabs"): """Return portal actions with given category""" def isGeneratedTabs(): """Whether disable_folder_section field is turned off""" def isNotFoldersGenerated(): """Whether disable_nonfolderish_sections field is turned off""" def getActionsList(category="portal_tabs"): """Return html code for actions list with given category""" def getAutoGenereatedSection(cat_name, errors): """Return html code for all autogenerated section""" def getGeneratedTabs(): """Return html code for autogenerated tabs""" def getRootTabs(): """Return portal root elements""" def getCategories(): """Return list of categories contained in portal_actions tool""" def portal_tabs(): """See global-sections viewlet""" def selected_portal_tab(): """See global-sections viewlet""" def test(condition, ifTrue, ifFalse): """Instead of test function in skins page templates"""