from Products.CMFPlone import MessageFactory from Products.CMFCore.utils import getToolByName # Get apropriate property from (propery_sheeet) configlet def getProp(self, prop_name, marker=None): result = marker pp = getToolByName(self, 'portal_properties') config_ps = getattr(pp, 'qPloneComments', None) if config_ps: result = getattr(config_ps, prop_name, marker) return result def publishDiscussion(self): roles = ['Anonymous'] self.review_state = "published" self.manage_permission('View', roles, acquire=1) self._p_changed = 1 self.reindexObject() def setAnonymCommenting(context, allow=False): portal = getToolByName(context, 'portal_url').getPortalObject() if allow: portal.manage_permission('Reply to item', ['Anonymous','Manager','Member'], 1) else: portal.manage_permission('Reply to item', ['Manager','Member'], 1) def manage_mails(reply, context, action): def sendMails(props, actions, key): for p in props: if p in actions[key]: send_email(reply, context, p) prop_sheet = context.portal_properties['qPloneComments'] props = filter(lambda x: prop_sheet.getProperty(x), prop_sheet.propertyIds()) actions = { 'onPublish': ('enable_approve_user_notification', 'enable_reply_user_notification', 'enable_published_notification'), 'onDelete' : ('enable_rejected_user_notification',), 'onApprove': ('enable_approve_notification',)} if action == 'publishing': sendMails(props, actions, 'onPublish') elif action == 'deleting': sendMails(props, actions, 'onDelete') elif action == 'aproving': sendMails(props, actions, 'onApprove') def getMsg(context, template, args): return getattr(context, template)(**args) def allowEmail(context, reply, state, creator): condition = getattr(context, 'emailCommentNotification', True) if callable(condition): condition = condition(reply=reply, state=state, creator=creator) return condition def send_email(reply, context, state): def getEmail(obj, context): email = obj.getProperty('email', None) if email is None: creators = hasattr(obj, 'listCreators') and obj.listCreators() or [obj.Creator(),] userid = creators and creators[0] or "" creator = getToolByName(context, 'portal_membership').getMemberById(userid) if creator and allowEmail(context, reply, state, creator): return creator.getProperty('email', '') else: return email return '' def getParent(reply): if reply.meta_type == 'Discussion Item': reply = reply.inReplyTo() return getParent(reply) return reply def getDIParent(reply): r = reply.inReplyTo() return r.meta_type == 'Discussion Item' and r or None def getParentOwnerEmail(reply, context): creator_id = getParent(reply).getOwnerTuple()[1] creator = getToolByName(context, 'portal_membership').getMemberById(creator_id) if creator and allowEmail(context, reply, state, creator): return creator.getProperty('email', '') return '' args = {} if reply: user_email = getEmail(reply, context) reply_parent = getParent(reply) organization_name = getProp(context, 'email_subject_prefix', '') creator_name = reply.getOwnerTuple()[1] admin_email = context.portal_url.getPortalObject().getProperty('email_from_address') subject = '' if state == 'enable_approve_user_notification': subject = 'Your comment on %s is now published' % getParent(context).Title() if user_email: template = 'notify_comment_template' args={'mto': user_email, 'mfrom': admin_email, 'obj': reply_parent, 'organization_name': organization_name, 'name': creator_name} else: args = {} elif state == 'enable_rejected_user_notification': subject = 'Your comment on %s was not approved' % getParent(context).Title() if user_email: template = 'rejected_comment_template' args={'mto': user_email, 'mfrom': admin_email, 'obj': reply_parent, 'organization_name': organization_name, 'name': creator_name} else: args = {} elif state == 'enable_reply_user_notification': template = 'reply_notify_template' subject = 'Someone replied to your comment on %s' % getParent(context).Title() di_parrent = getDIParent(reply) if di_parrent: user_email = getEmail(di_parrent, context) if user_email: args={'mto': user_email, 'mfrom': admin_email, 'obj': reply_parent, 'organization_name': organization_name, 'name': di_parrent.getOwnerTuple()[1]} else: args = {} else: args = {} elif state == 'enable_published_notification': template = 'published_comment_template' user_email = getParentOwnerEmail(reply, context) if user_email: args={'mto':user_email, 'mfrom':admin_email, 'obj':reply_parent, 'organization_name':organization_name} subject = '[%s] New comment added' % organization_name else: args = {} elif state == 'enable_approve_notification': template = 'approve_comment_template' user_email = getProp(context, "email_discussion_manager", None) if user_email: args={'mto':user_email, 'mfrom':admin_email, 'obj':reply_parent, 'organization_name':organization_name} subject = '[%s] New comment awaits moderation' % organization_name else: args = {} if args: msg = getMsg(context, template, args) p_utils = context.plone_utils site_props = context.portal_properties.site_properties host = p_utils.getMailHost() host.secureSend(msg, user_email, admin_email, subject = subject, subtype = 'plain', debug = False, charset = site_props.getProperty('default_charset', 'utf-8'), From = admin_email) def setStatusMsg(state, context, msg): context.plone_utils.addPortalMessage(msg)