# # Test moderation behavior # import re from common import * from base import getToolByName, FunctionalTestCase from config import * class TestModeration(FunctionalTestCase): def afterSetUp(self): self.loginAsPortalOwner() # Add all users addMembers(self.portal, USERS) # Add users to Discussion Manager group add2Group(self.portal, 'DiscussionManager', DM_USERS_IDS) # Allow discussion for Document portal_types = getToolByName(self.portal, 'portal_types') doc_fti = portal_types.getTypeInfo('Document') doc_fti._updateProperty('allow_discussion', 1) # Make sure Documents are visible by default self.portal.portal_workflow.setChainForPortalTypes(('Document',), 'plone_workflow') # Add testing documents to portal. Add one document for avery user. # For testing behaviors, where made some changes to document state it's more usefull. self.discussion = getToolByName(self.portal, 'portal_discussion', None) all_users_id = DM_USERS_IDS + COMMON_USERS_IDS for user_id in all_users_id: doc_id = 'doc_%s' % user_id self.portal.invokeFactory('Document', id=doc_id) doc_obj = getattr(self.portal, doc_id) doc_obj.edit(text_format='plain', text='hello world from %s' % doc_id) # Create talkback for document and Add comment to doc_obj self.discussion.getDiscussionFor(doc_obj) doc_obj.discussion_reply('A Reply for %s' % doc_id,'text of reply for %s' % doc_id) ## TEST VIEWING def testViewRepliesNotPublishedDMUsers(self): # All members of DiscussionManager group MUST VIEW comments doc = getattr(self.portal, 'doc_%s' % DM_USERS_IDS[0]) for u in DM_USERS_IDS: self.login(u) replies = self.discussion.getDiscussionFor(doc).getReplies() self.failUnless(replies, "Viewing discussion item forbiden for %s - " "member of DiscussionManager group" % u) def testViewRepliesNotPublishedNotDMUsers(self): # All common users SHOULD NOT VIEW NOT PUBLISHED comments doc = getattr(self.portal, 'doc_%s' % DM_USERS_IDS[0]) roles = [r['name'] for r in self.portal.rolesOfPermission('Moderate Discussion') if r['selected'] == 'SELECTED'] authorized_users = [user for user in COMMON_USERS_IDS if user !='anonym'] users_without_md_perm = [u for u in authorized_users if filter(lambda x: x not in roles, USERS[u]['roles'])] for u in users_without_md_perm: self.logout() if not u=='anonym': self.login(u) replies = self.discussion.getDiscussionFor(doc).getReplies() self.failIf(replies, "Viewing of NOT published discussion item allow %s - " "user without 'Moderate Discussion' permission" % u) def testViewRepliesPublishedAllUsers(self): # All users MUST VIEW PUBLISHED comments # Get any document and publish it's comment doc = getattr(self.portal, 'doc_%s' % 'dm_admin') self.login('dm_admin') di = self.discussion.getDiscussionFor(doc).getReplies()[0] di.discussion_publish_comment() all_users_id = USERS.keys() + ['anonym'] for u in all_users_id: self.logout() if not u=='anonym': self.login(u) replies = self.discussion.getDiscussionFor(doc).getReplies() self.failUnless(replies, "Viewing PUBLISHED discussion item forbiden for %s user" % u) ## TEST PUBLISHING def testViewPublishButtonNonDMUsers(self): # Publish button MUST BE ABSENT in document view form # Pattern for publish button presence checking pattern = re.compile('.*', re.S|re.M) for u in DM_USERS_IDS: self.login(u) auth = '%s:%s' % (u,USERS[u]['passw']) doc_id = "doc_%s" % u html = str(self.publish(self.portal.id+'/%s' % doc_id, auth)) m = pattern.match(html) self.failUnless(m, "Publish button NOT PRESENT for %s - member of DiscussionManager group" % u) """ def testPublishing(self): # Check whether perform real publishing # Pattern for publish button presence checking pattern = re.compile('.*', re.S|re.M) for u in COMMON_USERS_IDS: self.logout() auth = "%s:" % u if not u=='anonym': self.login(u) auth = '%s:%s' % (u,USERS[u]['passw']) doc_id = "doc_%s" % u html = str(self.publish(self.portal.id+'/%s' % doc_id, auth)) m = pattern.match(html) if not u=='anonym' and 'Manager' in USERS[u]['roles']: self.failUnless(m, "%s - user with Manager role NOT VIEW Delete reply button for " "published reply on document view form" % u) else: self.failIf(m, "%s - user without Manager role CAN VIEW Delete reply button for " "published reply on document view form" % u) """ def testDeleting(self): # Manager with DiscussionManager role CAN delete ANY REPLY. # Manager without DiscussionManager role [common manager] CAN delete ONLY PUBLISHED REPLY. # Get Managers managers = [u for u in USERS.keys() if 'Manager' in USERS[u]['roles']] dm_man = [u for u in managers if u.startswith('dm_')][0] common_man = [u for u in managers if not u.startswith('dm_')][0] # Publish document for common manager self.login(dm_man) doc_obj = getattr(self.portal, "doc_%s" % common_man) reply = self.discussion.getDiscussionFor(doc_obj).getReplies()[0] reply.discussion_publish_comment() # Check for really deleting for u in managers: self.login(u) auth = '%s:%s' % (u,USERS[u]['passw']) doc_id = "doc_%s" % u doc_obj = getattr(self.portal, doc_id) getReplies = self.discussion.getDiscussionFor(doc_obj).getReplies self.failUnless(getReplies(), "%s - user with Manager role not view discussion reply" % u) getReplies()[0].deleteDiscussion() self.failIf(getReplies(), "%s - user with Manager role not really delete discussion" % u) def test_suite(): from unittest import TestSuite, makeSuite suite = TestSuite() suite.addTest(makeSuite(TestModeration)) return suite