from Products.CMFCore.utils import getToolByName from quintagroup.plonecomments.config import LOGGER def install(context): # Ordinarily, GenericSetup handlers check for the existence of XML files. # Here, we are not parsing an XML file, but we use this text file as a # flag to check that we actually meant for this import step to be run. # The file is found in profiles/default. if context.readDataFile('quintagroup.plonecomments_install.txt') is None: return # Add additional setup code here portal = context.getSite() logger = context.getLogger(LOGGER) # Add 'DiscussionManagers' group gtool = getToolByName(portal, 'portal_groups') existing = gtool.listGroupIds() if not 'DiscussionManager' in existing: gtool.addGroup('DiscussionManager', roles=['DiscussionManager'])'Added DiscussionManager group to portal_groups with ' 'DiscussionManager role.') # Remove workflow-chain for Discussion Item wf_tool = getToolByName(portal, 'portal_workflow') wf_tool.setChainForPortalTypes(('Discussion Item',), [])'Removed workflow chain for Discussion Item type.') def uninstall(context): # Ordinarily, GenericSetup handlers check for the existence of XML files. # Here, we are not parsing an XML file, but we use this text file as a # flag to check that we actually meant for this import step to be run. # The file is found in profiles/default. if context.readDataFile('quintagroup.plonecomments_uninstall.txt') is None: return # Add additional setup code here portal = context.getSite() logger = context.getLogger(LOGGER) portal_conf = getToolByName(portal, 'portal_controlpanel') portal_conf.unregisterConfiglet('prefs_comments_setup_form')'Unregister configlet prefs_comments_setup_form. ')