from setuptools import setup, find_packages import os version = '1.1' setup(name='quintagroup.mobileextender', version=version, description="Extend some AT content types with mobile_text field and overlap appropriate content types views", long_description=open("README.txt").read() + "\n" + open(os.path.join("docs", "HISTORY.txt")).read(), # Get more strings from classifiers=[ "Programming Language :: Python", "Topic :: Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules", ], keywords='plone mobile quintagroup', author='Quintagroup', author_email='', url='', license='GPL', packages=find_packages(exclude=['ez_setup']), namespace_packages=['quintagroup'], include_package_data=True, zip_safe=False, install_requires=[ 'setuptools', 'archetypes.schemaextender', ], entry_points=""" # -*- Entry points: -*- """, )