from zope import interface, schema from zope.schema import vocabulary from Products.CMFCore.utils import getToolByName from quintagroup.mobileextender import mobileextenderMessageFactory as _ try: from import vocabularies except: PT_VOCABULARY = "quintagroup.mobileextender.ptypes" WF_VOCABULARY = "quintagroup.mobileextender.wfstates" else: PT_VOCABULARY = "" WF_VOCABULARY = "" class IMobileConfiglet(interface.Interface): """A portlet which can render a classic Plone portlet macro """ path = schema.TextLine( title=_(u"label_path", default=u"Path"), description=_(u"help_path", default=u"The Physical path for objects found. " "Leave blank to ignore this criterion."), default=u"", required=False, ) ptypes = schema.List( title=_(u'Portal Types'), description=_(u"You may search for and choose portal type(s) " "of object(s) to find. Leave blank to ignore this criterion."), default=[], value_type = schema.Choice( title=u"ptypes", source=PT_VOCABULARY ), required=False, ) wfstates = schema.List( title=_(u'Workflow States'), description=_(u"You may search for and choose workflow review state(s) " "of object(s) to find. Leave blank to ignore this criterion."), default=[], value_type = schema.Choice( title=u"review_states", source=WF_VOCABULARY ), required=False, ) excludeids = schema.Text( title=_(u'Exclude Ids'), description=_(u"List ids, for exclude from mobile content marking. Ids must be separated " "by new line. Leave blank to ignore this criterion."), default=u"", #value_type = schema.TextLine(), required=False ) excludepaths = schema.Text( title=_(u'Exclude by Physical Paths'), description=_(u"All objects, which physical path starts with one of specified one - will " "be excluded from mobile content marking. Paths must start with portal id " "(as in 'Path' field), and seaprated by new line. Leave blank to ignore this criterion."), default=u"", required=False ) #sorton = schema.Choice( #title=_(u'Sort index'), #description=_(u"Check sort index."), #vocabulary = "quintagroup.mobileextender.sortindices", #default='', #required=False #) #@interface.invariant #def checkForACriterion(formdata): #if not formdata.ptypes \ #and not formdata.path: #raise interface.Invalid("Path of portal type(s) must be entered")