"""Test setup for integration and functional tests. When we import PloneTestCase and then call setupPloneSite(), all of Plone's products are loaded, and a Plone site will be created. This happens at module level, which makes it faster to run each test, but slows down test runner startup. """ from Products.Five import zcml from Products.Five import fiveconfigure from Testing import ZopeTestCase as ztc from Products.PloneTestCase import PloneTestCase as ptc from Products.PloneTestCase.layer import onsetup # When ZopeTestCase configures Zope, it will *not* auto-load products # in Products/. Instead, we have to use a statement such as: # ztc.installProduct('SimpleAttachment') # This does *not* apply to products in eggs and Python packages (i.e. # not in the Products.*) namespace. For that, see below. # All of Plone's products are already set up by PloneTestCase. PROJECT_NAME = 'quintagroup.gdocs.spreadsheet' @onsetup def setup_product(): """Set up the package and its dependencies. The @onsetup decorator causes the execution of this body to be deferred until the setup of the Plone site testing layer. We could have created our own layer, but this is the easiest way for Plone integration tests. """ # Load the ZCML configuration for the example.tests package. # This can of course use to include other packages. fiveconfigure.debug_mode = True import quintagroup.gdocs.spreadsheet import quintagroup.gauth import Products.DataGridField zcml.load_config('configure.zcml', quintagroup.gdocs.spreadsheet) zcml.load_config('configure.zcml', quintagroup.gauth) zcml.load_config('configure.zcml', Products.DataGridField) fiveconfigure.debug_mode = False # We need to tell the testing framework that these products # should be available. This can't happen until after we have loaded # the ZCML. Thus, we do it here. Note the use of installPackage() # instead of installProduct(). # This is *only* necessary for packages outside the Products.* # namespace which are also declared as Zope 2 products, using # in ZCML. # We may also need to load dependencies, e.g.: # ztc.installPackage('borg.localrole') ztc.installPackage(PROJECT_NAME) # The order here is important: We first call the (deferred) function # which installs the products we need for this product. Then, we let # PloneTestCase set up this product on installation. setup_product() ptc.setupPloneSite(products=[PROJECT_NAME]) class TestCase(ptc.PloneTestCase): """We use this base class for all the tests in this package. If necessary, we can put common utility or setup code in here. This applies to unit test cases. """ class FunctionalTestCase(ptc.FunctionalTestCase): """We use this class for functional integration tests that use doctest syntax. Again, we can put basic common utility or setup code in here. """ def afterSetUp(self): roles = ('Member', 'Contributor') self.portal.portal_membership.addMember('contributor', 'secret', roles, [])