Introduction ============ This package allows Plone websites display multilevel portal dropdown menu based on portal actions settings and site structure. You may ask why we may need one more dropdown menu product for Plone, having already qPloneDropDownMenu, webcouturier.dropdownmenu and other products providing similar functionality. While qPloneDropDownMenu product just displays manually edited html code with nested unordered list, webcouturier.dropdownmenu went further and is trying to display submenus for each standard portal tab be it action from portal_actions tool or be it auto generated tab based on content structure. But neither of those products use newly introduced portal_actions tool's feature: nested categories. That's why quintagroup.dropdownmenu package was introduced. It allows to build multilevel portal dropdown menu based on nested portal_actions categories inside portal_tab category as well as on portal content structure. It also allows you to define whether to put content tabs before or after action tabs, and a bit more... For details see below. Requirement ----------- Plone 3.0+ Installation ------------ * first follow instructions inside docs/INSTALL.txt document * then install product with Quick Installer in Plone Migration from qPloneDropDownMenu --------------------------------- In case qPloneDropDownMenu product was previously installed, it will automatically detect legacy settings and migrate it to a newly created tool along with removing old portal_dropdownmenu one during a site installation procedure. Also installation procedure will uninstall qPloneDropDownMenu product itself (in case it's still installed) and clean up everything after it. Note: to successfully migrate old tabs it's required to have a valid html markup, otherwise migration procedure won't be able to move tabs correctly.