import os import socket import sys from time import time from paste.script.appinstall import Installer as BaseInstaller from paste.fileapp import FileApp from paste import urlparser from paste import request from paste.httpexceptions import HTTPNotFound import urllib2 class PackageProxyApp(object): def __init__(self, index_url=None, pack_dir=None, username=None,password=None,realm=None): if not index_url: print "No repository index provided" sys.exit() if not pack_dir: print "No packages cache directory provided" sys.exit() if not os.path.isdir(pack_dir): print 'You must create the %r directory' % pack_dir sys.exit() if username and password: # authenticate password_mgr = urllib2.HTTPPasswordMgrWithDefaultRealm() top_level_url = index_url password_mgr.add_password(realm, top_level_url, username, password) handler = urllib2.HTTPBasicAuthHandler(password_mgr) opener = urllib2.build_opener(handler) urllib2.install_opener(opener) self.index_url = index_url self.pack_dir = pack_dir def __call__(self, environ, start_response): """ serve the static files """ path = environ.get('PATH_INFO', '').strip() path_parts = path.split('/') if len(path_parts) > 1 and path_parts[1] == "favicon.ico": return HTTPNotFound()(environ, start_response) filename = self.checkCache(path[1:]) if filename is None: return HTTPNotFound()(environ, start_response) return FileApp(filename)(environ, start_response) def checkCache(self, path): """check if we already have the file and download it if not""" pth = self.pack_dir + path index =0 if not (path[-3:] in ['ico','txt','tgz','.gz','egg','zip','exe','cfg']): if not os.path.exists(pth): os.makedirs(pth) #create dir if it is not there # add index.html for supposedly folders pth = pth + 'index.html' index = 1 else: pth1 = '/'.join(pth.split('/')[:-1]) if not os.path.exists(pth1): os.makedirs(pth1)#create parent dir if it is not there url = self.index_url+path #if we dont have download it if not os.path.exists(pth): f = urllib2.urlopen(url) lf = open(pth,'wb') lf.write( lf.close() #if we have the index.html file if it is older the 1 hour update elif index and int(time()) - os.path.getmtime(pth) > 3600: f = urllib2.urlopen(url) lf = open(pth,'wb') lf.write( lf.close() return pth def app_factory(global_config, **local_conf): # Grab config from wsgi .ini file. If not specified,'s values # take over. pack_dir = local_conf.get('pack_directory', None) index_url = local_conf.get('index', None) username = local_conf.get('username', None) password = local_conf.get('password', None) realm = local_conf.get('realm', None) return PackageProxyApp(index_url, pack_dir, username, password, realm) class StaticURLParser(urlparser.StaticURLParser): def __call__(self, environ, start_response): path_info = environ.get('PATH_INFO', '') if not path_info: return self.add_slash(environ, start_response) if path_info == '/': # @@: This should obviously be configurable filename = 'index.html' else: filename = request.path_info_pop(environ) full = os.path.normcase(os.path.normpath( os.path.join(, filename))) if os.path.sep != '/': full = full.replace('/', os.path.sep) if self.root_directory is not None and not full.startswith(self.root_directory): # Out of bounds return self.not_found(environ, start_response) if not os.path.exists(full): if full.endswith('index.html') and not os.path.isfile(full): start_response('200 OK', [('Content-Type', 'text/html')]) return [self.get_index_html()] return self.not_found(environ, start_response) if os.path.isdir(full): # @@: Cache? child_root = self.root_directory is not None and \ self.root_directory or return self.__class__(full, root_directory=child_root, cache_max_age=self.cache_max_age)(environ, start_response) if environ.get('PATH_INFO') and environ.get('PATH_INFO') != '/': return self.error_extra_path(environ, start_response) if_none_match = environ.get('HTTP_IF_NONE_MATCH') if if_none_match: mytime = os.stat(full).st_mtime if str(mytime) == if_none_match: headers = [] ETAG.update(headers, mytime) start_response('304 Not Modified', headers) return [''] # empty body fa = self.make_app(full) if self.cache_max_age: fa.cache_control(max_age=self.cache_max_age) return fa(environ, start_response) def get_index_html(self): path = # create sorted lists of directories and files names = [i for i in os.listdir(path) if not i.startswith('.')] dirs = [i for i in names if os.path.isdir(os.path.join(path, i))] dirs.sort() files = [i for i in names if os.path.isfile(os.path.join(path, i))] files.sort() names = dirs + files links = '\n'.join(['
  • %s
  • ' % (i, i) for i in names]) template = open(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'index.html')).read() return template % {'path': path[len(self.root_directory):], 'links': links} def make_static(global_conf, document_root, cache_max_age=None): """ Return a WSGI application that serves a directory (configured with document_root) cache_max_age - integer specifies CACHE_CONTROL max_age in seconds """ if cache_max_age is not None: cache_max_age = int(cache_max_age) return StaticURLParser( document_root, cache_max_age=cache_max_age) """ class Installer(BaseInstaller): use_cheetah = False config_file = 'deployment.ini_tmpl' def config_content(self, command, vars): import pkg_resources module = 'collective.eggproxy' if pkg_resources.resource_exists(module, self.config_file): return self.template_renderer( pkg_resources.resource_string(module, self.config_file), vars, filename=self.config_file) """