#! /usr/bin/env python ## Copyright (c) 1999 - 2003 L. C. Rees. All rights reserved. ## See COPYRIGHT file for license terms. __name__ = 'spider' __version__ = '0.5' __author__ = 'L.C. Rees (xanimal@users.sf.net)' __all__ = ['ftpurls', 'ftppaths', 'weburls', 'ftpmirror', 'ftpspider', 'webpaths', 'webreport', 'webmirror', 'webspider', 'urlreport', 'badurlreport', 'badhtmreport', 'redireport', 'outreport', 'othereport'] '''Multithreaded crawling, reporting, and mirroring for Web and FTP.''' from __future__ import generators class Spider: '''HTTP and FTP crawling, reporting, and checking''' import os as _os import urllib as _ulib import urlparse as _uparse from os import path as _path from ftplib import FTP as _ftp from time import strftime as _formtime from time import localtime as _localtime from ftplib import error_perm as _ftperr from sgmllib import SGMLParseError as _sperror from robotparser import RobotFileParser as _rparser # Use threads if available try: from threading import Thread as _thread except ImportError: pass _bdsig, _bfsig, _session, _newparser = None, None, None, None # HTML tags with URLs _urltags = {'a':1, 'img':1, 'link':1, 'script':1, 'iframe':1, 'object':1, 'embed':1, 'area':1, 'frame':1, 'applet':1, 'input':1, 'base':1, 'div':1, 'layer':1, 'ilayer':1, 'bgsound':1} # Supported protocols _supported = {'HTTP':1, 'http':1, 'HTTPS':1, 'https':1, 'FTP':1, 'ftp':1} # HTML attributes with URLs _urlattrs = {'href':1, 'src':1, 'data':1} def __init__(self, base=None, width=None, depth=None): '''Initializes a Spider instance and its base attributes Arguments: base -- URL to crawl (default: None) width -- maximum resources to crawl (default: None) depth -- how deep in a hierarchy to crawl (default: None)''' if base: self.base = base else: self.base = None if width: self.width = width else: self.width = None if depth: self.depth = depth else: self.depth = None def _ftpopen(self, base, name='anonymous', password=None, attempts=3): '''Returns FTP client session Arguments: base -- FTP server URL name -- login name (default: 'anonymous') password -- login password (default: None) attempts -- number of login attempts to try (default: 3)''' def ftpprompt(tries=0): '''Prompts for FTP username and password Arguments: tries -- number of login attempts''' tries += tries try: self._name = raw_input('Enter login name: ') self._password = raw_input('Enter password: ') session = ftp(base, self._name, self._password) return session # If login attempt fails, retry login except ftperr: if attempts >= tries: session = ftpprompt(tries) return session # Too many login attempts? End program elif attempts <= tries: raise IOError, 'Permission denied.' import sys sys.exit(0) # Assignments self._name, self._password, ftperr = name, password, self._ftperr su, ftp = self._uparse.urlsplit(base), self._ftp # Set URL, path, and strip 'ftp://' off base, path = su[1], '/'.join([su[2], '']) try: session = ftp(base, name, password) # Prompt for username, password if initial arguments are incorrect except ftperr: session = ftpprompt() # Change to remote path if it exits if path: session.cwd(path) return session def ftpmirror(self, l, t=None, b=None, w=200, d=6, n='anonymous', p=None): '''Mirrors an FTP site on a local filesystem Arguments: l -- local filesystem path (default: None) b -- FTP server URL (default: None) t -- number of download threads (default: None) w -- maximum amount of resources to crawl (default: 200) d -- depth in hierarchy to crawl (default: 6) n -- login username (default: 'anonymous') p -- login password (default: None)''' if b: self.ftpspider(b, w, d, n, p) return self._mirror((self.paths, self.urls), l, t) def ftppaths(self, b=None, w=200, d=6, n='anonymous', p=None): '''Returns a list of FTP paths. Arguments: b -- FTP server URL (default: None) w -- maximum amount of resources to crawl (default: 200) d -- depth in hierarchy to crawl (default: 6) n -- login username (default: 'anonymous') p -- login password (default: None)''' def sortftp(rdir): '''Returns a list of entries marked as files or directories Arguments: rdir -- remote directory list''' rlist = [] rappend = rlist.append for rl in rdir: # Split remote file based on whitespace ri = rl.split()[-1] # Add tuple of remote item type, permissions & name to rlist if ri not in ('.', '..'): rappend((rl[0], rl[7], ri)) return rlist def visitftp(): '''Extracts contents of an FTP directory''' wd = pwd() if wd[-1] != '/': wd = '/'.join([wd, '']) # Add present working directory to visited directories dirs[wd], rlist = None, [] # Get list of current directory's contents retr('LIST -a', rlist.append) for url in sortftp(rlist): # Test if remote item is a file (indicated by '-') if url[0] == '-': # Resolve path of file purl = ''.join([wd, url[2]]) # Ensure file list don't exceed max number of resources if len(files) >= width: return None # Add files to file dictionary elif purl not in files: files[purl] = None # Test if it's a directory ('d') and allows scanning ('-') elif url[0] == 'd': if url[1] != '-': # Resolve path of directory purl = ''.join([wd, url[2], '/']) # Ensure no recursion beyond depth allowed if len(purl.split('/')) >= depth: dirs[purl] = None # Visit directory if it hasn't been visited yet elif purl not in dirs: # Change to new directory cwd(purl) # Run 'visitftp' on new directory visitftp() # Use classwide attributes if set if b: self.base = b else: b = self.base # Use classwide width if different from method default if self.width and w == 200: width = self.width else: width = w # Use classwide depth if different from method default if self.depth and d == 6: depth = self.depth + 1 else: depth = d + 1 # File and directory dicts files, dirs = {}, {} # Use existing FTP client session if present if self._session: ftp = self._session # Create new FTP client session if necessary else: ftp = self._ftpopen(b, n, p) self._session = ftp # Avoid outside namespace lookups cwd, pwd, retr = ftp.cwd, ftp.pwd, ftp.retrlines # Walk FTP site visitftp() # Make path list out of files' keys and return it self.paths = files.keys() self.paths.sort() return self.paths def ftpspider(self, b=None, w=200, d=6, n='anonymous', p=None): '''Returns lists of URLs and paths plus a live FTP client session Arguments: b -- FTP server URL (default: None) w -- maximum amount of resources to crawl (default: 200) d -- depth in hierarchy to crawl (default: 6) n -- login username (default: 'anonymous') p -- login password (default: None)''' if b: ftppaths(b, w, d, n, p) return self.paths, ftpurls(), self._session def ftpurls(self, b=None, w=200, d=6, n='anonymous', p=None): '''Returns a list of FTP URLs Arguments: b -- FTP server URL (default: None) w -- maximum amount of resources to crawl (default: 200) d -- depth in hierarchy to crawl (default: 6) n -- login username (default: 'anonymous') p -- login password (default: None)''' if b: ftppaths(b, w, d, n, p) # Get rid of trailing '/' in base if present before joining if b[-1] == '/': base = b[:-1] else: base = self.base # Get rid of trailing '/' in base if present before joining if base[-1] == '/': base = self.base[:-1] paths = self.paths # Add FTP URL self.urls = [''.join([base, i]) for i in paths] return self.urls def _parserpick(self, old=None): '''Returns a class using the sgmllib parser or the sgmlop parser Arguments: old -- use classic sgmllib SGMLParser''' # Assignments urltags, urlattrs = self._urltags, self._urlattrs # Lists for bad file and bad directory signatures self._bfsig, self._bdsig = [], [] bfsig, bdsig = self._bfsig, self._bdsig # Use faster SGMLParser if available try: from sgmlop import SGMLParser as newparser self._newparser = newparser # If unavailable, use classic SGML parser except ImportError: from sgmllib import SGMLParser as oldparser old = 1 # Classes using classic sgmllib SGML Parser if old: from sgmllib import SGMLParser as oldparser # Remove sgmlop parser if present self._newparser = None # UrlExtract class using classic parser class UrlExtract(oldparser): '''Extracts URLs from a SGMLish document''' def reset(self): '''Resets SGML parser and clears lists''' oldparser.reset(self) self.urls, self.text, self.badurl = [], [], None def handle_data(self, data): '''Handles non-markup data''' # Get first 5 lines of non-markup data if len(self.text) <= 5: self.text.append(data) # Compare signature of known bad URL to a new web page if self.text == bfsig: self.badurl = 1 elif self.text == bdsig: self.badurl = 1 def finish_starttag(self, tag, attrs): '''Extracts URL bearing tags''' if tag in urltags: # Get key, vale in attributes if they match url = [v for k, v in attrs if k in urlattrs] if url: self.urls.extend(url) # BadUrl class using classic parser class BadUrl(oldparser): '''Collects results of intentionally incorrect URLs''' def reset(self): '''Resets SGML parser and clears lists''' oldparser.reset(self) self.text = [] def handle_data(self, data): '''Collects lines to profile bad URLs''' # Adds first 5 lines of non-markup data to text if len(self.text) <= 5: self.text.append(data) # If no old flag, use SGMLParser from sgmlop and related classes else: # UrlExtract class using sgmlop parser class UrlExtract: '''Extracts URLs from a SGMLish document''' def __init__(self): '''Resets SGML parser and clears lists''' self.urls, self.text, self.badurl = [], [], None def handle_data(self, data): '''Handles non-markup data''' # Get first 5 lines of non-markup data if len(self.text) <= 5: self.text.append(data) # Compare signature of known bad URL to a new web page if self.text == bfsig: self.badurl = 1 elif self.text == bdsig: self.badurl = 1 def finish_starttag(self, tag, attrs): '''Extracts URL bearing tags''' if tag in urltags: # Get key, vale in attributes if they match url = [v for k, v in attrs if k in urlattrs] if url: self.urls.extend(url) # BadUrl class using sgmlop parser class BadUrl: '''Collects results of intentionally incorrect URLs''' def __init__(self): '''Resets SGML parser and clears lists''' self.text = [] def handle_data(self, data): '''Collects lines to profile not found responses''' # Adds first 5 lines of non-markup data to list 'text' if len(self.text) <= 5: self.text.append(data) # Make resulting classes available class wide self._UrlExtract, self._BadUrl = UrlExtract, BadUrl def _webtest(self): '''Generates signatures for identifying bad URLs''' def badurl(url): '''Returns first 5 lines of a bad URL Arguments: url -- Bad URL to open and parse''' # Use different classes if faster SGML Parser is available if self._newparser: # sgmlop parser must have a handler passed to it parser, urlget = self._newparser(), BadUrl() # Pass handler (sgmlop cannot be subclassed) parser.register(urlget) parser.feed(urlopen(url).read()) parser.close() # Use classic parser else: urlget = BadUrl() urlget.feed(urlopen(url).read()) urlget.close() # Return singature of bad URL return urlget.text # Make globals local base, urljoin = self.base, self._uparse.urljoin urlopen, BadUrl = self._ulib.urlopen, self._BadUrl # Generate random string of jibber from string import letters, digits from random import choice, randint jibber = ''.join([letters, digits]) ru = ''.join([choice(jibber) for x in range(randint(1, 30))]) # Builds signature of a bad URL for a file self._bfsig.extend(badurl(urljoin(base, '%s.html' % ru))) # Builds signature of a bad URL for a directory self._bdsig.extend(badurl(urljoin(base,'%s/' % ru))) def _webparser(self, html): '''Parses HTML and returns bad URL indicator and extracted URLs Arguments: html -- HTML data''' # Use different classes if faster SGML Parser is available if self._newparser: # Make instances of SGML parser and URL extracting handler parser, urlget = self._newparser(), self._UrlExtract() # Pass handler to parser parser.register(urlget) # Feed data to parser parser.feed(html) parser.close() # Return bad URL indicator and extracted URLs else: urlget = self._UrlExtract() urlget.feed(html) urlget.close() # Return badurl marker and list of child URLS return urlget.badurl, urlget.urls def _webopen(self, base): '''Verifies URL and returns actual URL and extracted child URLs Arguments: base -- tuple containing a URL and its referring URL''' # Assignments good, cbase = self._good, base[0] try: # If webspiders can access URL, open it if self._robot.can_fetch('*', cbase): url = self._ulib.urlopen(cbase) # Otherwise, mark as visited and abort else: self._visited[cbase] = 1 return False # If HTTP error, log bad URL and abort except IOError: self._visited[cbase] = 1 self.badurls.append((base[1], cbase)) return False # Get real URL newbase = url.geturl() # Change URL if different from old URL if newbase != cbase: cbase, base = newbase, (newbase, base[1]) # URLs with mimetype 'text/html" scanned for URLs if url.headers.type == 'text/html': # Feed parser contents = url.read() try: badurl, urls = self._webparser(contents) # Log URL if SGML parser can't parse it except self._sperror: self._visited[cbase], self.badhtm[cbase] = 1, 1 return False url.close() # Return URL and extracted urls if it's good if not badurl: return cbase, urls # If the URL is bad (after BadUrl), stop processing and log URL else: self._visited[cbase] = 1 self.badurls.append((base[1], cbase)) return False # Return URL of non-HTML resources and empty list else: url.close() return cbase, [] def _genverify(self, urls, base): '''Verifies a list of full URL relative to a base URL Arguments: urls -- list of raw URLs base -- referring URL''' # Assignments cache, visit, urlverify = self._cache, self._visited, self._urlverify # Strip file off base URL for joining newbase = base.replace(base.split('/')[-1], '') for url in urls: # Get resolved url and raw child URLs url, rawurls = urlverify(url, base, newbase) # Handle any child URLs if rawurls: newurls = {} # Eliminate duplicate URLs for rawurl in rawurls: # Eliminate known visited URLs if rawurl not in visit: newurls[rawurl] = 1 # Put new URLs in cache if present if newurls: cache[url] = newurls # Yield new URL if url: yield url def _multiverify(self, url, base): '''Verifies a full URL relative to a base URL Arguments: url -- a raw URLs base -- referring URL''' # Assignments cache, visited = self._cache, self._visited # Strip file off base URL for joining newbase = base.replace(base.split('/')[-1], '') # Get resolved url and raw child URLs url, rawurls = self._urlverify(url, base, newbase) # Handle any child URLs if rawurls: # Eliminate known visited URLs and duplicates for rawurl in rawurls: # Put new URLs in cache if present if rawurl not in visited: cache[rawurl] = url # Put URL in list of good URLs if url: self._good[url] = 1 def _urlverify(self, url, base, newbase): '''Returns a full URL relative to a base URL Arguments: urls -- list of raw URLs base -- referring URL newbase -- temporary version of referring URL for joining''' # Assignments visited, webopen, other = self._visited, self._webopen, self.other sb, depth, urljoin = self._sb[2], self.depth, self._uparse.urljoin urlsplit, urldefrag = self._uparse.urlsplit, self._uparse.urldefrag outside, redirs, supported = self.outside, self.redirs, self._supported if url not in visited: # Remove whitespace from URL if url.find(' ') != -1: visited[url], url = 1, url.replace(' ', '') if url in visited: return 0, 0 # Remove fragments i.e. 'http:foo/bar#frag' if url.find('#') != -1: visited[url], url = 1, urldefrag(url)[0] if url in visited: return 0, 0 # Process full URLs i.e. 'http://foo/bar if url.find(':') != -1: urlseg = urlsplit(url) # Block non-FTP, HTTP URLs if urlseg[0] not in supported: # Log as non-FTP/HTTP URL other[url], visited[url] = 1, 1 return 0, 0 # If URL is not in root domain, block it if urlseg[1] not in sb: visited[url], outside[url] = 1, 1 return 0, 0 # Block duplicate root URLs elif not urlseg[2] and urlseg[1] == sb: visited[url] = 1 return 0, 0 # Handle relative URLs i.e. ../foo/bar elif url.find(':') == -1: # Join root domain and relative URL visited[url], url = 1, urljoin(newbase, url) if url in visited: return 0, 0 # Test URL by attempting to open it rurl = webopen((url, base)) if rurl and rurl[0] not in visited: # Get URL turl, rawurls = rurl visited[url], visited[turl] = 1, 1 # If URL resolved to a different URL, process it if turl != url: urlseg = urlsplit(turl) # If URL is not in root domain, block it if urlseg[1] not in sb: # Log as a redirected internal URL redirs[(url, turl)] = 1 return 0, 0 # Block duplicate root URLs elif not urlseg[2] and urlseg[1] == sb: return 0, 0 # If URL exceeds depth, don't process if len(turl.split('/')) >= depth: return 0, 0 # Otherwise return URL else: if rawurls: return turl, rawurls else: return turl, [] else: return 0,0 else: return 0, 0 def _onewalk(self): '''Yields good URLs from under a base URL''' # Assignments cache, genverify = self._cache, self._genverify # End processing if cache is empty while cache: # Fetch item from cache base, urls = cache.popitem() # If item has child URLs, process them and yield good URLs if urls: for url in genverify(urls, base): yield url def _multiwalk(self, threads): '''Extracts good URLs from under a base URL Arguments: threads -- number of threads to run''' def urlthread(url, base): '''Spawns a thread containing a multiverify function Arguments: url -- URL to verify base -- referring URL''' # Create instance of Thread dthread = Thread(target=multiverify, args=(url, base)) # Put in pool pool.append(dthread) # Assignments pool, cache, multiverify = [], self._cache, self._multiverify Thread, width, good = self._thread, self.width, self._good # End processing if cache is empty while cache: # Process URLs as long as width not exceeded if len(good) <= width: # Fetch item from cache url, base = cache.popitem() # Make thread if url: urlthread(url, base) # Run threads once pool size is reached if len(pool) == threads or threads >= len(cache): # Start threads for thread in pool: thread.start() # Empty thread pool as threads complete while pool: for thread in pool: if not thread.isAlive(): pool.remove(thread) # End if width reached elif len(good) >= width: break def weburls(self, base=None, width=200, depth=5, thread=None): '''Returns a list of web paths. Arguments: base -- base web URL (default: None) width -- amount of resources to crawl (default: 200) depth -- depth in hierarchy to crawl (default: 5) thread -- number of threads to run (default: None)''' # Assignments self._visited, self._good, self._cache, self.badurls = {}, {}, {}, [] self.redirs, self.outside, self.badhtm, self.other = {}, {}, {}, {} onewalk, good, self._robot = self._onewalk, self._good, self._rparser() uparse, robot, multiwalk = self._uparse, self._robot, self._multiwalk cache = self._cache # Assign width if self.width and width == 200: width = self.width else: self.width = width # sgmlop crashes Python after too many iterations if width > 5000: self._parserpick(1) else: self._parserpick() # Use global base if present if not base: base = self.base # Verify URL and get child URLs newbase, rawurls = self._webopen((base, '')) if newbase: # Change base URL if different if newbase != base: base = newbase # Ensure there's a trailing '/' in base URL if base[-1] != '/': url = list(uparse.urlsplit(base)) url[1] = ''.join([url[1], '/']) base = uparse.urlunsplit(url) # Eliminate duplicates and put raw URLs in cache newurls = {} for rawurl in rawurls: newurls[rawurl] = 1 if newurls: # Cache URLs individually if threads are desired if thread: for newurl in newurls: cache[newurl] = base # Cache in group if no threads else: cache[base] = newurls # Make base URL, get split, and put in verified URL list self.base, self._sb = base, base.split('/') self._visited[base], good[base] = 1, 1 # If URL is bad, abort and raise error else: raise IOError, "URL is invalid" # Adjust dept to length of base URL if self.depth and depth == 6: self.depth += len(self._sb) else: self.depth = depth + len(self._sb) # Get robot limits robot.set_url(''.join([base, 'robots.txt'])) robot.read() # Get signature of bad URL self._webtest() # Get good URLs as long as total width isn't exceeded try: # Multiwalk if threaded if thread: self._multiwalk(thread) # Otherwise, use single thread else: for item in onewalk(): # Don't exceed maximum width if len(good) <= width: good[item] = 1 elif len(good) >= width: break # If user interrupts crawl, return what's done except KeyboardInterrupt: pass # Get URLs, sort them, and return list self.urls = good.keys() self.urls.sort() return self.urls def webpaths(self, b=None, w=200, d=5, t=None): '''Returns a list of web paths. Arguments: b -- base web URL (default: None) w -- amount of resources to crawl (default: 200) d -- depth in hierarchy to crawl (default: 5) t -- number of threads (default: None)''' def pathize(): '''Strips base URL from full URLs to produce paths''' for url in urls: # Remove base URL from path list url = url.replace(self.base, '') # Add default name 'index.html' to root URLs and directories if not url: url = 'index.html' elif url[-1] == '/': url = ''.join([url, 'index.html']) # Verify removal of base URL and remove it if found if url.find(':') != -1: url = urlsplit(url)[2:][0] yield url # Assignments urlsplit = self._uparse.urlsplit # Run weburls if base passed as an argument if b: self.weburls(b, w, d, t) # Strip off trailing resource or query from base URL if self.base[-1] != '/': self.base = '/'.join(self._sb[:-1]) urls = self.urls # Return path list after stripping base URL self.paths = list(pathize()) return self.paths def webmirror(self, root=None, t=None, base=None, width=200, depth=5): '''Mirrors a website on a local filesystem Arguments: root -- local filesystem path (default: None) t -- number of threads (default: None) base -- base web URL (default: None) width -- amount of resources to crawl (default: 200) depth -- depth in hierarchy to crawl (default: 5)''' if base: self.webspider(base, width, depth, t) return self._mirror((self.paths, self.urls), root, t) def webspider(self, b=None, w=200, d=5, t=None): '''Returns two lists of child URLs and paths Arguments: b -- base web URL (default: None) w -- amount of resources to crawl (default: 200) d -- depth in hierarchy to crawl (default: 5) t -- number of threads (default: None)''' if b: self.weburls(b, w, d, t) return self.webpaths(), self.urls def badurlreport(self, f=None, b=None, w=200, d=5, t=None): '''Pretties up a list of bad URLs Arguments: f -- output file for report (default: None) b -- base web URL (default: None) w -- amount of resources to crawl (default: 200) d -- depth in hierarchy to crawl (default: 5) t -- number of threads (default: None)''' if b: self.weburls(b, w, d, t) # Format report if information is available if self.badurls: # Number of bad URLs amount = str(len(self.badurls)) header = '%s broken URLs under %s on %s:\n' # Print referring URL pointing to bad URL body = '\n'.join([' -> '.join([i[0], i[1]]) for i in self.badurls]) report = self._formatreport(amount, header, body, f) # Return if just getting string if report: return report def badhtmreport(self, f=None, b=None, w=200, d=5, t=None): '''Pretties up a list of unparsed HTML URLs Arguments: f -- output file for report (default: None) b -- base web URL (default: None) w -- amount of resources to crawl (default: 200) d -- depth in hierarchy to crawl (default: 5) t -- number of threads (default: None)''' if b: self.weburls(b, w, d, t) # Format report if information is available if self.badhtm: amount = str(len(self.badhtm)) header = '%s unparsable HTML URLs under %s on %s:\n' body = '\n'.join(self.badhtm) report = self._formatreport(amount, header, body, f) # Return if just getting string if report: return report def redireport(self, f=None, b=None, w=200, d=5, t=None): '''Pretties up a list of URLs redirected to an external URL Arguments: f -- output file for report (default: None) b -- base web URL (default: None) w -- amount of resources to crawl (default: 200) d -- depth in hierarchy to crawl (default: 5) t -- number of threads (default: None)''' if b: self.weburls(b, w, d, t) # Format report if information is available if self.redirs: amount = str(len(self.redirs)) header = '%s redirects to external URLs under %s on %s:\n' # Print referring URL pointing to new URL body = '\n'.join([' -> '.join([i[0], i[1]]) for i in self.redirs]) report = self._formatreport(amount, header, body, f) # Return if just getting string if report: return report def outreport(self, f=None, b=None, w=200, d=5, t=None): '''Pretties up a list of outside URLs referenced under the base URL Arguments: f -- output file for report (default: None) b -- base web URL (default: None) w -- amount of resources to crawl (default: 200) d -- depth in hierarchy to crawl (default: 5) t -- number of threads (default: None)''' if b: self.weburls(b, w, d, t) # Format report if information is available if self.outside: amount = str(len(self.outside)) header = '%s links to external URLs under %s on %s:\n' body = '\n'.join(self.outside) report = self._formatreport(amount, header, body, f) # Return if just getting string if report: return report def othereport(self, f=None, b=None, w=200, d=5, t=None): '''Pretties up a list of non-HTTP/FTP URLs Arguments: f -- output file for report (default: None) b -- base web URL (default: None) w -- amount of resources to crawl (default: 200) d -- depth in hierarchy to crawl (default: 5) t -- number of threads (default: None)''' if b: self.weburls(b, w, d, t) # Format report if information is available if self.other: amount = str(len(self.other)) header = '%s non-FTP/non-HTTP URLs under %s on %s:\n' body = '\n'.join(self.other) report = self._formatreport(amount, header, body, f) # Return if just getting string if report: return report def urlreport(self, f=None, b=None, w=200, d=5, t=None): '''Pretties up a list of all URLs under a URL Arguments: f -- output file for report (default: None) b -- base web URL (default: None) w -- amount of resources to crawl (default: 200) d -- depth in hierarchy to crawl (default: 5) t -- number of threads (default: None)''' if b: self.weburls(b, w, d, t) # Format report if information is available if self.urls: amount = str(len(self.urls)) header = '%s verified URLs under %s on %s:\n' body = '\n'.join(self.urls) report = self._formatreport(amount, header, body, f) # Return if just getting string if report: return report def webreport(self, f=None, b=None, w=200, d=5, t=None, *vargs): '''Pretties up a list of logged information under a URL Arguments: f -- output file for report (default: None) b -- base web URL (default: None) w -- amount of resources to crawl (default: 200) d -- depth in hierarchy to crawl (default: 5) t -- number of threads (default: None) vargs -- report sections to include or exclude To override defaults: To include a section add 'badhtm', 'redirs', 'outside', or 'other' To exclude a section add 'badurls' or "urls"''' if b: self.weburls(b, w, d, t) # Defaults for report badurls, badhtm, redirs, urls, outside, other = 1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0 # Create compilation list compile = [] # Override default report settings if argument is passed to vargs for arg in vargs: if arg == 'badurls': badurls = 0 elif arg == 'badhtm': badhtm = 1 elif arg == 'redirs': redirs = 1 elif arg == 'urls': urls = 0 elif arg == 'outside': outside = 1 elif arg == 'other': other = 1 # Compile report if badurls: badurls = self.badurlreport() if badurls: compile.append(badurls) if urls: urls = self.urlreport() if urls: compile.append(urls) if outside: outside = self.outreport() if outside: compile.append(outside) if redirs: redirs = self.redireport() if redirs: compile.append(redirs) if badhtm: badhtm = self.badhtmreport() if badhtm: compile.append(badhtm) if other: other = self.othereport() if other: compile.append(other) # Make report report = '\n\n'.join(compile) # Write to file if argument present if file: open(f, 'w').write(report) # Or return string else: return report def _formatreport(self, amount, header, body, file=None): '''Generic prettifier with date/time stamper Arguments: header -- title of report body -- body of report file -- output file for report (default: None)''' # Get current time localtime, strftime = self._localtime, self._formtime curtime = strftime('%A, %B %d, %Y at %I:%M %p', localtime()) # Make section header header = header % (amount, self.base, curtime) # Add header to body report = '\n'.join([header, body]) # Write to file if argument present if file: open(file, 'w').write(report) # Or return string else: return report def _mirror(self, lists, root=None, threads=None): '''Mirrors a site on a local filesystem based on lists passed to it Argument: lists -- lists of URLs and paths root -- local filesystem path (default: None) threads -- number of threads (default: None)''' def download(url, np, op): '''Downloads files that need to be mirrored.''' # If ftp... if url[:3] == 'ftp': # Open local file local = open(np, 'wb') # Download using FTP session ftp = ftpopen(base, name, password) ftp.retrbinary('RETR %s' % op, local.write) ftp.close() # Close local file local.close() # Use normal urlretrieve if no FTP required else: ulib.urlretrieve(url, np) def dlthread(url, np, op): '''Spawns a thread containing the download function''' # Create thread dthread = Thread(target=download, args=(url, np, op)) # Add to thread pool pool.append(dthread) # Extract path and URL lists paths, urls = lists # Avoid outside namespace lookups ulib, makedirs, sep = self._ulib, self._os.makedirs, self._os.sep normcase, split = self._path.normcase, self._path.split exists, isdir = self._path.exists, self._path.isdir ftpopen = self._ftpopen # Create local names for thread class and thread pool if threads: Thread, pool = self._thread, [] # Localize name and password if exists try: base, name, password = self.base, self._name, self._password except AttributeError: pass # Change to directory if given... if root: if exists(root): if isdir(root): self._os.chdir(root) # Create root if it doesn't exist else: makedirs(root) self._os.chdir(root) # Otherwise use current directory else: root = self._os.getcwd() # Iterate over paths and download files for oldpath in paths: # Sync with the URL for oldpath url = urls[paths.index(oldpath)] # Create name of local copy newpath = normcase(oldpath).lstrip(sep) # Get directory name dirname = split(newpath)[0] # If the directory exists, download the file directly if exists(dirname): if isdir(dirname): if threads: dlthread(url, newpath, oldpath) else: download(url, newpath, oldpath) # Don't create local directory if path in root of remote URL elif not dirname: if threads: dlthread(url, newpath, oldpath) else: download(url, newpath, oldpath) # Make local directory if it doesn't exist, then dowload file else: makedirs(dirname) if threads: dlthread(url, newpath, oldpath) else: download(url, newpath, oldpath) # Run threads if they've hit the max number of threads allowed if threads: # Run if max threads or final thread reached if len(pool) == threads or paths[-1] == oldpath: # Start all threads for thread in pool: thread.start() # Clear the thread pool as they finish while pool: for thread in pool: if not thread.isAlive(): pool.remove(thread) # Instance of Spider enables exporting Spider's methods as standalone functions _inst = Spider() ftpurls = _inst.ftpurls weburls = _inst.weburls ftppaths = _inst.ftppaths webpaths = _inst.webpaths ftpmirror = _inst.ftpmirror ftpspider = _inst.ftpspider webmirror = _inst.webmirror webspider = _inst.webspider webreport = _inst.webreport urlreport = _inst.urlreport outreport = _inst.outreport redireport = _inst.redireport othereport = _inst.othereport badurlreport = _inst.badurlreport badhtmreport = _inst.badhtmreport