import string from os.path import abspath, dirname import unittest from Products.PloneTestCase import PloneTestCase as ptc from quintagroup.captcha.core.config import LAYER_STATIC_CAPTCHAS, \ LAYER_DYNAMIC_CAPTCHAS, PRODUCT_NAME from quintagroup.captcha.core import utils from quintagroup.captcha.core.utils import getWord, decrypt, parseKey from testStatic import TestStaticValidator # Check PIL try: from PIL import ImageFont fontspath = abspath(dirname(dirname(__file__))) + '/data/fonts/vera/' font = ImageFont.truetype(fontspath + 'VeraBd.ttf', 27) except ImportError: DYNAMIC_WORKABLE = False else: DYNAMIC_WORKABLE = True class DynamicMixin: def switchToDynamic(self): skins = self.portal.portal_skins for skin in skins.getSkinSelections(): path = skins.getSkinPath(skin) path = map(string.strip, string.split(path, ',')) try: i = path.index(LAYER_STATIC_CAPTCHAS) path.remove(LAYER_STATIC_CAPTCHAS) path.insert(i, LAYER_DYNAMIC_CAPTCHAS) except ValueError: pass path = string.join(path, ', ') skins.addSkinSelection(skin, path) self._refreshSkinData() class TestPIL(unittest.TestCase): def testPILImageFont(self): if not DYNAMIC_WORKABLE:"You can not use Dynamic Captchas, only Static one " "unless install PIL with _imagingft C module into " "python, that is used for the current Zope instance.") class TestDynamic(DynamicMixin, ptc.FunctionalTestCase): def afterSetUp(self): self.loginAsPortalOwner() self.addProduct(PRODUCT_NAME) self.skins = self.portal.portal_skins self.switchToDynamic() self.captcha_key = self.portal.captcha_key self.hashkey = self.portal.getCaptcha() def test_GetCaptcha_Date(self): # *date* must present after parsing decrypted key decrypted_key = decrypt(self.captcha_key, self.hashkey) parsed_key = parseKey(decrypted_key) self.assertTrue('date' in parsed_key.keys()) def test_GetCaptcha_Key(self): decrypted_key = decrypt(self.captcha_key, self.hashkey) parsed_key = parseKey(decrypted_key) # *key* must present after parsing decrypted key self.assertTrue('key' in parsed_key.keys()) # index start from 0 and lower or equals to captchas count index = int(parsed_key['key']) words = utils.basic_english.words.split() self.assertTrue(index >= 0 and index <= len(words)) # encrypted key must be equals to word from the dictionary, # under index position and must be not empty string self.assertFalse(getWord(index) == "") def test_GetImage(self): # getCaptchaImage function must return image coded in hashkey same to # image get by 'key' after parsing decrypted key img_html = self.publish( self.portal.absolute_url(1) + "/getCaptchaImage/%s" % self.hashkey) img_ctype = img_html.getHeader('content-type') self.assertTrue(img_ctype == 'image/jpeg', "Wrong content type for generated image: %s, " "must be 'image/jpeg'" % img_ctype) self.assertTrue(img_html.status == 200, "Wrong response status: " "'%s', must be '200'" % img_html.status) class TestDynamicValidator(DynamicMixin, TestStaticValidator): def afterSetUp(self): TestStaticValidator.afterSetUp(self) self.switchToDynamic() def test_suite(): suite = unittest.TestSuite() suite.addTest(unittest.makeSuite(TestPIL)) if DYNAMIC_WORKABLE: suite.addTest(unittest.makeSuite(TestDynamic)) suite.addTest(unittest.makeSuite(TestDynamicValidator)) return suite