Changelog ========= 0.4.3 - (2013-07-04) -------------------- * Added the backward compatibility with Python 2.4 [potar] 0.4.2 - (2013-06-26) -------------------- * Added transifex config [kroman0] * Updated French translations from transifex, many thanks to Marc Sokolovitch [kroman0] * Added inline validation detector [vmaksymiv] 0.4.1 - (2013-02-11) -------------------- * Fixed ValueError on validation for dynamic captcha [kroman0] * Fixed AttributeError on validation [kroman0] 0.4 - (2013-01-17) ------------------ * Updated pt_BR translation [cleber_jsantos] * Updated classifiers [vmaksymiv] * Cleanup code [vmaksymiv] * Fixed ValueError on validation [kroman0] 0.3 - (2011-07-22) ------------------ * Plone 4.1 comopatibility release [chervol] 0.2.4 - (2010-09-08) -------------------- * removed tabindex from configlet [chervol] 0.2.3 -(2010-09-08) ------------------- * fixed import errors [chervol] 0.2.2 - (2010-07-19) -------------------- * Added German translation [Fabian Reinhard] 0.2.1 (2010-06-17) ------------------ * Fixed captcha_widget issue ( [mylan] 0.2 - June 9, 2010 ------------------ * Added Plone-4 support [mylan, kroman0] * Added italian translation [kroman0] * Updated translations [olha, mylan] * Added, updated tests [mylan] 0.1 - Apr 7, 2010 ----------------- * Initial release