import unittest import transaction from AccessControl.SecurityManagement import newSecurityManager from zope.component import testing, queryMultiAdapter from Testing import ZopeTestCase as ztc from Products.Five import zcml from Products.Five import fiveconfigure from Products.PloneTestCase import PloneTestCase as ptc from Products.PloneTestCase import setup as ptc_setup from Products.PloneTestCase.layer import PloneSite import ptc.setupPloneSite() class Installed(PloneSite): @classmethod def setUp(cls): fiveconfigure.debug_mode = True zcml.load_config('configure.zcml', fiveconfigure.debug_mode = False ztc.installPackage('') app = portal = app[ptc_setup.portal_name] # Sets the local site/manager ptc_setup._placefulSetUp(portal) qi = getattr(portal, 'portal_quickinstaller', None) qi.installProduct('') transaction.commit() @classmethod def tearDown(cls): pass class SetUpContent(Installed): max = 10 types_ = ['Document', 'Event', 'Folder'] users = [('user%s'%i, 'user%s'%i, 'Member', None) for i in xrange(max)] @classmethod def setupUsers(cls, portal): """ Creates users.""" acl_users = portal.acl_users mp = portal.portal_membership map(acl_users._doAddUser, *zip(*cls.users)) if not mp.memberareaCreationFlag: mp.setMemberareaCreationFlag() map(mp.createMemberArea, [u[0] for u in cls.users]) @classmethod def setupContent(cls, portal): """ Creates test content.""" uf = portal.acl_users pm = portal.portal_membership pc = portal.portal_catalog users = [u[0] for u in cls.users] for u in users: folder = pm.getHomeFolder(u) user = uf.getUserById(u) if not hasattr(user, 'aq_base'): user = user.__of__(uf) newSecurityManager(None, user) for i in xrange(users.index(u)+cls.max): map(folder.invokeFactory, cls.types_, [t+str(i) for t in cls.types_]) transaction.commit() @classmethod def setUp(cls): app = portal = app[ptc_setup.portal_name] cls.setupUsers(portal) cls.setupContent(portal) @classmethod def tearDown(cls): pass class TestCase(ptc.PloneTestCase): layer = Installed #TO DO:===================================================================== # add tests for every views methods; # add doc tests to validate if all needed elements are present on page; class TestQAInstallation(TestCase): """ This class veryfies registrations of all needed views and actions. """ def test_cp_action_installation(self): """This test validates control panel action. """ control_panel = self.portal.portal_controlpanel self.assert_('QAnalytics' in [ for a in control_panel.listActions()], "Configlet for quintagroup.analitycs isn't registered.") def test_OwnershipByType(self): """ This test validates registration of ownership_by_type view. """ view = queryMultiAdapter((self.portal, self.portal.REQUEST), name="ownership_by_type") self.assert_(view, "Ownership by type view isn't registered") def test_OwnershipByState(self): """ This test validates registration of ownership_by_state view. """ view = queryMultiAdapter((self.portal, self.portal.REQUEST), name="ownership_by_state") self.assert_(view, "Ownership by state view isn't registered") def test_TypeByState(self): """ This test validates registration of type_by_state view. """ view = queryMultiAdapter((self.portal, self.portal.REQUEST), name="type_by_state") self.assert_(view, "Type by state view isn't registered") def test_LegacyPortlets(self): """ This test validates registration of legacy_portlets view. """ view = queryMultiAdapter((self.portal, self.portal.REQUEST), name="legacy_portlets") self.assert_(view, "Legacy Portlets view isn't registered") def test_PropertiesStats(self): """ This test validates registration of properties_stats view. """ view = queryMultiAdapter((self.portal, self.portal.REQUEST), name="properties_stats") self.assert_(view, "Properties Stats view isn't registered") def test_PortletsStats(self): """ This test validates registration of portlets_stats view. """ view = queryMultiAdapter((self.portal, self.portal.REQUEST), name="portlets_stats") self.assert_(view, "Portlets Stats view isn't registered") class TestOwnershipByType(TestCase): """Tests all ownership by type view methods.""" layer = SetUpContent def afterSetUp(self): self.view = queryMultiAdapter((self.portal, self.portal.REQUEST), name="ownership_by_type") self.pc = self.portal.portal_catalog def test_getUsers(self): """ Tests method that returns ordered list of users.""" users = [u[0] for u in self.layer.users] users.reverse() self.assert_(False not in map(lambda u1, u2:u1==u2, users, self.view.getUsers())) def test_getTypes(self): """ Tests method that returns ordered list of types.""" data = {} index = self.pc._catalog.getIndex('portal_type') for k in index._index.keys(): if not k: continue haslen = hasattr(index._index[k], '__len__') if haslen: data[k] = len(index._index[k]) else: data[k] = 1 data = data.items() data.sort(lambda a, b: a[1] - b[1]) data.reverse() types = [i[0] for i in data] self.assert_(False not in map(lambda t1, t2:t1==t2, self.view.getTypes(), types)) def test_getContent(self): """ This test verifies method that returns list of numbers. Each number is amount of specified content type objects that owned by particular user. """ # we need to login in to the site as Manager to be able to # see catalog results self.loginAsPortalOwner() for type_ in self.layer.types_: self.assert_(False not in \ map(lambda i, j:i==j, [len(self.pc(portal_type=type_, Creator=user)) for user in self.view.getUsers()], self.view.getContent(type_))) def test_getChart(self): """ This test verifies creation of chart image tag.""" chart_tag = """""" self.loginAsPortalOwner() self.assertEqual(*map(lambda s:''.join(s.split()), [chart_tag, self.view.getChart()])) class TestOwnershipByState(TestCase): """Tests all ownership by state view methods.""" layer = SetUpContent states = ['private', 'published', 'pending'] def afterSetUp(self): self.view = queryMultiAdapter((self.portal, self.portal.REQUEST), name="ownership_by_state") self.pc = self.portal.portal_catalog def test_getUsers(self): """ Tests method that returns ordered list of users.""" users = [u[0] for u in self.layer.users] users.reverse() self.assert_(False not in map(lambda u1, u2:u1==u2, users, self.view.getUsers())) def test_getStates(self): """ Tests method that returns ordered list of states.""" self.assert_(False not in map(lambda s1, s2:s1==s2, ['private', 'published'], self.view.getStates())) def test_getContent(self): """ This test verifies method that returns list of numbers. Each number is amount of specified content type objects that are in particular workflow state. """ # we need to login in to the site as Manager to be able to # see catalog results self.loginAsPortalOwner() for state in self.states: self.assert_(False not in \ map(lambda i, j:i==j,[len(self.pc(review_state=state, Creator=user)) for user in self.view.getUsers()], self.view.getContent(state))) def test_getChart(self): """ This test verifies creation of chart image tag.""" chart_tag = """""" self.loginAsPortalOwner() self.assertEqual(*map(lambda s:''.join(s.split()), [chart_tag, self.view.getChart()])) class TestTypeByState(TestCase): """Tests all type_by_state view methods.""" layer = SetUpContent states = ['private', 'published', 'pending'] def afterSetUp(self): self.view = queryMultiAdapter((self.portal, self.portal.REQUEST), name="type_by_state") self.pc = self.portal.portal_catalog def test_getTypes(self): """ Tests method that returns ordered list of types.""" self.assert_(False not in map(lambda t1, t2:t1==t2, ['Folder', 'Document', 'Event', 'Topic'], self.view.getTypes())) def test_getStates(self): """ Tests method that returns ordered list of states.""" self.assert_(False not in map(lambda s1, s2:s1==s2, ['private', 'published'], self.view.getStates())) def test_getContent(self): """ This test verifies method that returns list of numbers. Each number is amount of specified content type objects that owned by particular user. """ # we need to login in to the site as Manager to be able to # see catalog results self.loginAsPortalOwner() for state in self.states: self.assert_(False not in \ map(lambda i, j:i==j, [len(self.pc(portal_type=type_, review_state=state)) for type_ in self.view.getTypes()], self.view.getContent(state))) def test_getChart(self): """ This test verifies creation of chart image tag.""" chart_tag = """ """ self.loginAsPortalOwner() self.assertEqual(*map(lambda s:''.join(s.split()), [chart_tag, self.view.getChart()])) def test_suite(): from unittest import TestSuite, makeSuite test_suite = unittest.TestSuite([ # Unit tests #doctestunit.DocFileSuite( # 'README.txt', package='quintagroup.contentstats', # setUp=testing.setUp, tearDown=testing.tearDown), #doctestunit.DocTestSuite( # module='quintagroup.contentstats.mymodule', # setUp=testing.setUp, tearDown=testing.tearDown), # Integration tests that use PloneTestCase #ztc.ZopeDocFileSuite( # 'README.txt', package='quintagroup.contentstats', # test_class=TestCase), #ztc.FunctionalDocFileSuite( # 'browser.txt', package='quintagroup.contentstats', # test_class=TestCase), ]) test_suite.addTest(makeSuite(TestQAInstallation)) test_suite.addTest(makeSuite(TestOwnershipByType)) test_suite.addTest(makeSuite(TestOwnershipByState)) test_suite.addTest(makeSuite(TestTypeByState)) return test_suite if __name__ == '__main__': unittest.main(defaultTest='test_suite')