from Products.Archetypes.public import listTypes from Products.Archetypes.Extensions.utils import installTypes, install_subskin from Products.CMFCore import CMFCorePermissions from Products.CMFCore.utils import getToolByName from StringIO import StringIO import sys from Products.qTrackSpam.config import * def install(self): """ install product """ out = StringIO(); portal = getToolByName(self,'portal_url').getPortalObject() installTypes(self, out, listTypes(PROJECTNAME), PROJECTNAME) install_subskin(self, out, GLOBALS) install_configlet(self, out) try: portal.manage_addProduct[PROJECTNAME].manage_addTool(TOOL_METATYPE) except: # heuristics for testing if an instance with the same name already exists # only this error will be swallowed. # Zope raises in an unelegant manner a 'Bad Request' error e=sys.exc_info() if e[0] != 'Bad Request': raise print >> out, "Successfully installed %s." % PROJECTNAME return out.getvalue() def uninstall(self): """ uninstall product """ out = StringIO() control_panel = getToolByName(self, 'portal_controlpanel', None) actions = control_panel._cloneActions() res = [ for a in actions if == PROJECTNAME] for i in res: control_panel.unregisterConfiglet(i) out.write('Removed configlet %s\n' % i) print >> out, "Successfully uninstalled %s." % PROJECTNAME return out.getvalue() def install_configlet(self, out): control_panel=getToolByName(self,'portal_controlpanel') control_panel.registerConfiglet(PROJECTNAME, 'BlackList Importer', 'string:${portal_url}/prefs_blacklist_importer', permission = 'Manage Portal', category = 'Products', ) control_panel.registerConfiglet(PROJECTNAME, 'Clean TrackBacks', 'string:${portal_url}/prefs_clean_trackbacks', permission = 'Manage Portal', category = 'Products', ) print >> out, "Installed configlet.,,"